Home News Lawmakers unveil border deal with Ukraine that allows president to suspend US asylum law and expedite deportations

Lawmakers unveil border deal with Ukraine that allows president to suspend US asylum law and expedite deportations

by Celia

A bipartisan group of senators, along with the White House, unveiled a comprehensive immigration agreement on Sunday, presenting a significant overhaul of American border policy. This deal, months in the making, grants the president expanded authority to address unlawful border crossings, notably allowing for the refusal of asylum requests without due process.


Crafted by Republican Senator James Lankford, Democratic Senator Chris Murphy, and independent Senator Kyrsten Sinema, in collaboration with top Biden administration officials, the agreement aims to tighten access to the asylum system during periods of heightened illegal immigration. Key provisions include imposing greater scrutiny during initial asylum screenings and increasing deportations of individuals deemed ineligible for U.S. refuge. However, asylum processing at official border crossings would be maintained, and successful asylum applicants would be permitted to work legally in the United States.


This bipartisan compromise emerges amidst demands from Republican lawmakers for restrictions on U.S. asylum laws in exchange for bolstering military aid to Ukraine. If enacted, it would mark the most significant update to the U.S. immigration system since the 1990s.


While the proposal is likely to garner support from many Democrats and some Republican senators, its fate in the GOP-controlled House remains uncertain. House Speaker Mike Johnson and conservative members have criticized elements of the Senate negotiations, advocating instead for President Biden to utilize executive powers to deter migrants from entering the U.S.

Johnson declared on Sunday that the proposal would face staunch opposition in the House, labeling it “dead on arrival” and asserting it falls short of addressing the border crisis created by the President.

The agreement reflects a notable shift in President Biden’s immigration stance, diverging from his initial promises to restore the U.S. asylum system and reverse Trump-era border policies. The proposed measures, described as one of the toughest border and immigration laws in modern history, do not include provisions to legalize the estimated 11 million undocumented immigrants residing in the United States, a cornerstone of comprehensive immigration reform advocated by many Democratic lawmakers.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer hailed the agreement as a “monumental step” towards bolstering national security and border integrity. He emphasized its importance in ensuring America’s future prosperity and security, highlighting provisions for military aid to Ukraine, support for Israel, and humanitarian assistance for Palestinians.

Schumer urged swift Senate action, scheduling the initial vote on the measure for Wednesday, while McConnell expressed appreciation for Lankford’s efforts, urging careful consideration of the opportunity presented.

The proposed legislation grants the federal government extensive emergency authority to reject most migrants during surges in border crossings. Dubbed the authority to “shut down” asylum processing, this power would enable the president to suspend asylum laws temporarily, barring most migrants from seeking asylum upon illegal entry into the U.S.

Notably, the agreement includes provisions to expedite asylum reviews, aiming to deliver final decisions within months. It also introduces stricter eligibility criteria for asylum seekers, enhancing efforts to deter frivolous claims and expedite deportations of ineligible individuals.

Moreover, the proposal allocates substantial funding to enhance border security resources and personnel. While it restricts certain parole authorities, it expands legal immigration avenues, including new immigrant visas and pathways to permanent residency for certain groups, such as Afghans who assisted the U.S. military.

Additionally, the agreement offers deportation protections and work permits to vulnerable populations, such as the children of H-1B visa holders, and mandates legal representation for unaccompanied minors.

If approved by Congress and signed into law, this bipartisan immigration agreement promises sweeping changes to the U.S. immigration landscape, addressing longstanding challenges while prioritizing border security and national interests.


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