Home Common Sense Can Domestic Helpers Become Permanent Residents?

Can Domestic Helpers Become Permanent Residents?

by Celia

In many countries around the world, domestic helpers play a crucial role in households, providing essential services such as cleaning, cooking, childcare, and eldercare. Often hailing from foreign countries, these individuals leave their homes and families behind to seek better economic opportunities abroad. As they integrate into their host countries, many domestic helpers aspire to obtain permanent residency, granting them stability, rights, and opportunities for a better future. In this article, we explore the process, challenges, and alternatives for domestic helpers seeking permanent residency.


Eligibility Requirements:

The eligibility criteria for domestic helpers to apply for permanent residency vary depending on the country in question. However, common factors include:


Time Spent in Employment: Domestic helpers are typically required to have worked in the country for a specified period, ranging from several years to a decade or more.


Language Proficiency: Some countries may require applicants to demonstrate proficiency in the local language to ensure effective communication and integration.

Specific Requirements: Certain countries may have additional requirements, such as completing courses on local laws, culture, or civic responsibilities.

For example, in Hong Kong, domestic helpers can apply for permanent residency after continuously residing in the city for seven years under the “Right of Abode” policy. They must also demonstrate good character and have no criminal record.

Application Process:

The process of applying for permanent residency can be complex and lengthy. It typically involves the following steps:

Gather Required Documentation: Applicants must gather documents such as identification, employment records, proof of residence, and language proficiency certificates.

Submit Application: The application is submitted to the relevant government department or immigration authority along with the required documentation and applicable fees.

Attend Interviews or Examinations: Depending on the country’s regulations, applicants may be required to attend interviews or examinations to assess their eligibility.

Wait for Approval: After submitting the application, applicants must wait for the authorities to process their case, which can take several months to years.

Receive Decision: Once the application is reviewed, applicants will receive a decision on their permanent residency status.

In Singapore, domestic helpers can apply for permanent residency under the Professionals/Technical Personnel & Skilled Workers Scheme (PTS). They must meet specific criteria, including educational qualifications, skills, and employment history.

Success Rates:

Historical success rates of domestic helpers obtaining permanent residency vary widely depending on factors such as country of residence, immigration policies, and individual circumstances. While some domestic helpers successfully obtain permanent residency, others may face challenges such as stringent eligibility criteria, limited quotas, or changes in immigration laws.

In Hong Kong, for example, the success rate of domestic helpers obtaining permanent residency has been relatively low due to strict eligibility requirements and limited quotas. However, there have been cases where domestic helpers have successfully appealed decisions or sought legal assistance to secure permanent residency.

Alternatives to Permanent Residency:

If obtaining permanent residency is not feasible, there are alternative options available to domestic helpers, including:

Long-Term Visas: Some countries offer long-term visas or permits that allow domestic helpers to reside and work in the country for an extended period, providing a degree of stability and security.

Residency Permits: Certain countries provide residency permits or temporary residence status to domestic helpers, allowing them to legally reside and work in the country for a specified duration.

In countries like the United States and Canada, domestic helpers may be eligible for temporary work permits or visas, such as the H-2B visa in the U.S. or the Temporary Foreign Worker Program in Canada.

Legal and Ethical Considerations:

The process of obtaining permanent residency for domestic helpers raises several legal and ethical considerations, including:

Employer’s Responsibilities: Employers have a responsibility to ensure that domestic helpers are treated fairly, paid wages in accordance with labor laws, and provided with appropriate living conditions.

Rights of Domestic Helpers: Domestic helpers have rights under labor laws, including the right to fair treatment, adequate rest periods, and protection from abuse or exploitation.

Immigration Regulations: Both employers and domestic helpers must comply with immigration regulations, including visa requirements, work permits, and residency conditions.

It is essential for employers and domestic helpers to be aware of their rights and responsibilities to ensure a mutually respectful and lawful employment relationship.

Case Studies or Testimonials:

Case studies and testimonials from domestic helpers who have successfully obtained permanent residency can provide valuable insights and inspiration for others facing similar challenges. These stories highlight the resilience, determination, and sacrifices made by domestic helpers in pursuit of a better future for themselves and their families.

One such case is that of Maria, a domestic helper from the Philippines, who applied for permanent residency in Hong Kong after working tirelessly for over a decade. Despite facing numerous challenges and setbacks, Maria never gave up hope and finally received approval for permanent residency, granting her the stability and security she had longed for.


In conclusion, while the path to permanent residency for domestic helpers may be arduous and fraught with challenges, it is not impossible. With determination, perseverance, and support from employers and communities, domestic helpers can overcome obstacles and achieve their dream of securing a brighter future for themselves and their families.


Are domestic helpers considered HK residents?

Domestic helpers in Hong Kong are not considered residents; they are classified as foreign workers under the employment visa scheme. However, they contribute significantly to the workforce and economy of Hong Kong.

How long is a domestic helper contract?

The standard contract for domestic helpers in Hong Kong is typically two years. This duration is specified by the Hong Kong government’s regulations governing the employment of foreign domestic helpers.

What is the maximum age for domestic helper?

There is no maximum age limit for hiring domestic helpers in Hong Kong. However, employers are required to ensure that the helper is physically fit to perform the duties required of them, regardless of age.


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