Home Knowledge When Do You Get Paid in Air Force Basic Training: A Complete Overview

When Do You Get Paid in Air Force Basic Training: A Complete Overview

by Celia

Entering the United States Air Force (USAF) marks the beginning of a transformative journey for recruits, one that encompasses rigorous training, discipline, and a sense of duty to serve the nation. Alongside the physical and mental challenges of basic training, recruits often have questions about their financial matters, including when they will receive their first paycheck, how often they will be paid, and what amount they can expect. In this guide, we will explore the intricacies of pay in Air Force basic training, addressing key aspects such as the timing of the first paycheck, pay frequency, and pay amount.

1. First Paycheck Timing

The anticipation of receiving the first paycheck is a common concern for new recruits. In the Air Force, trainees typically receive their first paycheck approximately 3-4 weeks after arriving at basic training. This delay is primarily due to administrative processing and the setup of pay accounts, as the military ensures accuracy in payment details before disbursing funds.

During the initial weeks of basic training, trainees may receive a partial payment to help cover basic expenses. This partial payment is a temporary measure until the full pay account is established and regular paychecks commence. While the wait for the first paycheck can feel prolonged, it is essential for ensuring that all administrative requirements are met and that trainees receive their entitlements accurately and efficiently.

2. Pay Frequency

Once the pay account is set up and operational, Air Force trainees are paid on a bi-weekly basis. This means that they receive a paycheck every two weeks, with the pay period spanning a consecutive 14-day period. The concept of a pay period is crucial in understanding when to expect payment, as it defines the timeframe for which earnings are calculated and disbursed.

For example, if a pay period begins on a Sunday and ends on a Saturday, the corresponding paycheck for that period would typically be issued on the following payday, which is usually the Friday of the subsequent week. This regular cadence of pay provides trainees with a predictable schedule for managing their finances and meeting their financial obligations.

3. Pay Amount

It is important to note that pay rates can vary and are subject to change, so individuals are encouraged to verify the latest information with official sources such as the Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS) or the Air Force Personnel Center (AFPC).

A trainee’s pay consists of various components, each contributing to the total amount received. These components may include:

Base Pay: The basic salary earned by military personnel, determined by rank and years of service.

Allowances: Additional payments provided to cover specific expenses such as housing, food, and clothing. These allowances vary based on individual circumstances and location.

Deductions: Amounts withheld from the paycheck for taxes, insurance, and other authorized purposes.

In this example, the total pay reflects the sum of the base pay, allowances, minus deductions, resulting in the net amount received by the trainee.


In conclusion, understanding the timing, frequency, and amount of pay in Air Force basic training is essential for recruits embarking on their military journey. While the initial wait for the first paycheck may seem prolonged, it is a necessary step in ensuring accurate and timely payment. By familiarizing themselves with the pay structure and components, trainees can effectively manage their finances and focus on their training objectives with confidence and peace of mind.


How soon do you start getting paid in the Air Force?


You start getting paid in the Air Force on your first day of active duty. Your pay will be deposited directly into your bank account on the 1st and 15th of each month.


How soon do you get paid after joining the military?


After joining the military, you typically receive your first paycheck within one to two weeks of your initial active duty date. This may vary depending on administrative processes and when you entered the pay system.

What happens immediately after Air Force basic training?

After completing Air Force basic training, you’ll attend technical training specific to your chosen career field. This can last anywhere from a few weeks to several months. Upon completion, you’ll be assigned to your first duty station and begin your career as an Airman in the United States Air Force.


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