Home News Workers Demand Justice In $1 Million Lawsuit Against Pemex Over Texas Refinery Incident

Workers Demand Justice In $1 Million Lawsuit Against Pemex Over Texas Refinery Incident

by Celia
Workers Demand Justice In $1 Million Lawsuit Against Pemex Over Texas Refinery Incident

In a legal action filed Monday in Houston, three workers have sued Mexico’s state-owned oil giant, Pemex, after sustaining injuries from a hydrogen sulfide release at the company’s Deer Park, Texas, refinery. The lawsuit accuses Pemex of negligence, claiming that the gas leak caused serious health problems for the plaintiffs, including respiratory issues and vomiting.


The incident occurred last Thursday afternoon when a dangerous release of hydrogen sulfide, a toxic gas often produced during crude oil refining, led to the deaths of two contractors and left 35 others requiring medical attention. The plaintiffs, Sergio Antonio Olvera, Jonathan Martinez, and Yoselyn Soto, were all present at the refinery during the release and allege that Pemex’s failure to ensure proper safety measures resulted in their injuries.


The lawsuit, filed in the Harris County District Court, seeks damages in excess of $1 million for the workers’ suffering. It claims that Pemex’s “acts and omissions” contributed directly to the hazardous event, which, according to the complaint, should have been preventable.


The legal action, spearheaded by attorney Muhammad Aziz, argues that Pemex was negligent in its safety procedures, specifically during maintenance work on an amine regeneration unit, a critical component of the refinery’s operations. According to Pemex, the gas release was contained within three hours, but the plaintiffs maintain that the event caused significant harm and could have been avoided with proper oversight.

“At the time and on the occasion in question, defendants committed acts and omissions, which collectively and separately constituted negligence,” the lawsuit asserts.

One of the plaintiffs remains bedridden, while all three have reported serious symptoms such as vomiting and respiratory distress, according to Geoffrey Adkinson, spokesperson for Aziz’s law firm. The suit is a direct response to Pemex’s alleged failure to prevent a deadly release of hydrogen sulfide, a gas that is highly toxic and can be fatal if inhaled in sufficient concentrations.

Pemex has yet to respond to media requests for further comment on the lawsuit. In an initial statement issued on the day of the incident, the company confirmed that the release occurred during maintenance activities and that the gas was successfully stopped within three hours. The company also stated that it is fully investigating the cause of the leak and will continue working to ensure the safety of its workers and the community.

The lawsuit highlights the serious risks involved in the oil and gas industry, particularly in refinery operations where hazardous chemicals are commonplace. This incident, which has already resulted in fatalities and serious injuries, underscores the need for heightened safety standards and accountability to protect workers from avoidable harm.

Attorney Muhammad Aziz emphasized that this lawsuit is a step towards holding Pemex accountable for the alleged negligence that led to the gas release and the subsequent injuries to the workers.

“The failure to uphold basic safety standards in an industry where workers face life-threatening risks daily is unacceptable,” said Aziz. “These workers deserve justice and compensation for the pain and suffering they’ve endured.”

As the case moves forward, Pemex will be required to respond to the claims, and the outcome could have significant implications for safety protocols within the oil and gas industry.

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