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What Bill Did The United States Pass Yesterday?

by Celia
What Bill Did The United States Pass Yesterday?

In the United States, Congress regularly passes legislation that impacts various aspects of national governance, infrastructure, and public welfare. On October 15, 2024, multiple bills were passed in the Senate, addressing a range of issues from public safety to commemorative gestures. Let’s find out what bill the United States passed yesterday.


1. Senate Bill on Correctional Facility Safety

Increased Penalties for Smuggling Phones

One of the significant pieces of legislation passed was Senate Bill 5284, which aims to enhance the safety and security of correctional facilities. Introduced by Senator Jon Ossoff, this bill focuses on increasing the penalties for the prohibited provision of cell phones to inmates. In recent years, the illegal use of mobile devices in prisons has led to escalated criminal activities, including coordination of outside crimes and harassment of victims. This bill was passed by unanimous consent, underscoring its bipartisan support. The passage of this bill signifies a strong commitment to improving law enforcement and public safety within correctional institutions.


Broader Implications for Prison Reform

While this bill primarily focuses on security, it also raises larger questions about prison reform in the U.S. With the introduction of this bill, lawmakers are signaling an awareness of the need for improved technology regulations in prisons. The bill serves as part of a broader initiative to address criminal justice issues that include not only stricter penalties but also improved rehabilitation and reintegration efforts for incarcerated individuals.


2. Commemorative Bill for Senator Dianne Feinstein

The Senator Dianne Feinstein Federal Building

Another notable legislative act was Senate Bill 4489, which was passed to honor the late Senator Dianne Feinstein. This bill designates the Federal building located at 50 United Nations Plaza in San Francisco, California, as the “Senator Dianne Feinstein Federal Building.” As a long-serving U.S. Senator from California and a trailblazer for women in American politics, Feinstein’s contributions to both state and national governance have left a lasting legacy. By naming a federal building in her honor, the Senate acknowledges her many years of dedicated public service.

Feinstein’s Political Legacy

Senator Feinstein was a central figure in shaping California’s political landscape and addressing national issues like gun control, environmental policy, and civil rights. This building’s renaming serves as a tribute to her decades of leadership and commitment to progressive legislation. Such gestures of commemoration are common in U.S. politics as a means of preserving the memory of influential public figures.

See also: How Long Does Legislation Take To Pass?

3. Modification to Coast Guard Icebreaker Acquisition

Amending the Don Young Coast Guard Authorization Act

The Senate also passed Senate Bill 5292, which amends the Don Young Coast Guard Authorization Act of 2022. This amendment relates to the acquisition of an icebreaker for the U.S. Coast Guard, critical for missions in Arctic regions. The bill is a reflection of growing concerns about the U.S.’s capacity to operate in polar areas where climate change has opened new routes and heightened the geopolitical significance of the Arctic.

Strategic Importance of the Arctic

As global temperatures rise and sea ice melts, the Arctic has become increasingly accessible, leading to heightened international competition over resources and territory. The bill to acquire an icebreaker is part of the U.S.’s broader strategy to maintain a presence in the region, ensuring that the nation can effectively protect its interests while also contributing to scientific research and environmental monitoring in this fragile ecosystem.

4. Senate Resolutions: Recognitions and Designations

National Community Policing Week

Among the various resolutions passed, one particularly focused on community-level law enforcement was Senate Resolution 877. This resolution designates the week of October 6-12, 2024, as National Community Policing Week. This week serves as a reminder of the importance of building trust between police forces and the communities they serve. The resolution emphasizes fostering cooperation, transparency, and respect between law enforcement and citizens.

Day of the Deployed and Other Recognitions

Another resolution, Senate Resolution 881, designates October 26, 2024, as the “Day of the Deployed,” honoring U.S. military personnel stationed overseas. This is an annual commemoration that acknowledges the sacrifices made by service members and their families. Additionally, several resolutions were passed recognizing National Clean Energy Week, National Principals Month, and National Gold Star Families Remembrance Week. These resolutions, while symbolic, play a vital role in raising awareness about key issues and honoring individuals and groups who contribute to society in various ways.

5. Impacts of the 2024 Appropriations Bill

Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2024

On a broader scale, the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2024 (H.R. 4366) is one of the most critical pieces of legislation passed this year. This bill funds federal agencies and programs across multiple sectors, including defense, education, healthcare, and transportation. It ensures that the government remains operational and that essential services continue uninterrupted. The Act also includes provisions aimed at addressing inflation and supporting economic recovery, demonstrating Congress’s focus on stabilizing the economy.

Provisions for Healthcare and Education

Within the 2024 Appropriations Bill, there are specific allocations aimed at enhancing healthcare accessibility and improving the quality of education. These provisions include funding for public health initiatives, mental health services, and support for educational institutions impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. By allocating substantial resources to these areas, Congress aims to mitigate the long-term effects of the pandemic and strengthen the country’s healthcare and education systems.


The legislative actions taken by the U.S. Senate on October 15, 2024, reflect a wide range of priorities, from public safety and corrections reform to honoring notable individuals and addressing global environmental challenges. These bills and resolutions, though diverse in nature, underscore the Senate’s ongoing efforts to address both domestic and international concerns, shaping the nation’s policy landscape for years to come.

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