Home Knowledge What Arbitration Is Used For? A Full Overview

What Arbitration Is Used For? A Full Overview

by Joy

Arbitration is a form of alternative dispute resolution in which parties to a dispute submit their disagreement to an impartial third party for determination instead of going to court. The process involves the use of an arbitrator, or a panel of arbitrators, who make decisions on the dispute. In this article, we will discuss what arbitration is used for and how it can benefit parties involved in a dispute.


Commercial Disputes

Arbitration is commonly used for commercial disputes between businesses or individuals involving contracts, sales, and other business-related matters. Some of the reasons why parties might choose arbitration in these cases are:

  1. Confidentiality: Unlike court proceedings, arbitration is typically conducted behind closed doors, ensuring that sensitive information is not made public.
  2. Expertise: Arbitrators are often chosen because of their expertise in a particular industry or field. This means that they are better equipped to understand the technical aspects of a dispute than a judge might be.
  3. Speed: Arbitration is generally faster than litigation in court, which can take years to resolve. This can be especially important in commercial disputes where time is money.

Employment Disputes

Arbitration is also commonly used to resolve employment disputes. These disputes may arise from wrongful termination, discrimination, harassment, or breach of contract. The following are some reasons why parties might choose arbitration in these cases:

  1. Private: Like with commercial disputes, arbitration proceedings are private, which can help maintain confidentiality and protect the reputation of those involved.
  2. Neutral Third Party: An arbitrator serves as a neutral third party who can provide an unbiased decision on the matter. This can be especially important when dealing with sensitive issues such as discrimination or harassment.
  3. Efficiency: Arbitration can be much quicker than going through the court system, which can be beneficial for all parties involved.

Consumer Disputes

Arbitration can also be used to resolve consumer disputes, such as those between a customer and a company. These disputes may arise from faulty products or services, breach of contract, or other issues. The following are some reasons why parties might choose arbitration in these cases:

  1. Cost-effective: Arbitration can be more cost-effective than going through the court system, which can be especially important for consumers who may not have the resources to pursue a case in court.
  2. Speed: Like with commercial and employment disputes, arbitration is generally faster than going through the court system.
  3. Flexible: Arbitration can be more flexible than going through the court system because parties can choose an arbitrator who has specific expertise in the area of the dispute.

International Disputes

Arbitration can also be used to resolve international disputes. These disputes often involve different legal systems and languages, making it difficult to resolve them through the court system. The following are some reasons why parties might choose arbitration in these cases:

  1. Choice of Law: In international arbitration, parties can choose which laws will apply to the dispute. This can be beneficial if the laws in each country are vastly different.
  2. Language: Parties can choose the language in which the arbitration proceedings will be conducted, which can be helpful when dealing with disputes that cross borders.
  3. Enforcement: Awards made in international arbitration can be enforced in countries around the world through treaties such as the New York Convention.


Arbitration is a flexible and efficient method for resolving disputes outside of the court system. It can be used in a variety of contexts, including commercial, employment, consumer, and international disputes. By choosing arbitration, parties can benefit from confidentiality, expertise, neutrality, speed, and flexibility compared to traditional litigation. As such, arbitration is an excellent alternative to consider when seeking resolution to a dispute.


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