Home Hot Topic When Can You Sue Despite Signing an Arbitration Agreement?

When Can You Sue Despite Signing an Arbitration Agreement?

by Joy

Arbitration agreements have become a common feature in many contracts and agreements across various industries. These agreements stipulate that any disputes arising between the parties must be resolved through arbitration instead of litigation in a court of law. While signing an arbitration agreement typically waives an individual’s right to sue, there are situations where legal action may still be pursued. In this article, we will explore the circumstances under which you can sue despite signing an arbitration agreement. We will delve into several key points, including unconscionability, invalidation of the agreement, and statutory exceptions, to provide a comprehensive understanding of when legal action may be an option despite the presence of an arbitration agreement.


Unconscionability of the Arbitration Agreement

A. Procedural Unconscionability

  1. Procedural unconscionability refers to unfairness in the process of entering into the arbitration agreement.
  2. If one party had significantly more bargaining power, and the terms of the agreement were imposed in a one-sided or oppressive manner, the agreement may be deemed procedurally unconscionable.
  3. Factors such as unequal negotiation power, lack of transparency, or inadequate explanation of the terms can contribute to a finding of procedural unconscionability.

B. Substantive Unconscionability

  1. Substantive unconscionability pertains to the unfairness or oppressive nature of the terms within the arbitration agreement.
  2. If the terms are deemed overly harsh, one-sided, or unreasonable, the agreement may be deemed substantively unconscionable.
  3. Examples of substantive unconscionability include exorbitant fees, biased arbitrator selection processes, or limitations on remedies that unfairly favor one party.

C. Court’s Discretion to Invalidate Unconscionable Agreements

  1. Courts have the authority to invalidate unconscionable arbitration agreements, rendering them unenforceable.
  2. The court will examine the circumstances surrounding the agreement and assess whether it is unjust or oppressive to enforce the arbitration provision.
  3. If the court determines that the agreement is unconscionable, it may allow the injured party to pursue legal action instead of arbitration.

Invalidating the Arbitration Agreement

A. Lack of Mutual Assent

  1. For an arbitration agreement to be valid, there must be a mutual agreement or meeting of the minds between the parties.
  2. If one party can demonstrate that they did not fully understand the implications of the agreement or that there was no genuine consent, the agreement may be invalidated.
  3. Factors such as misrepresentation, duress, or mistake can contribute to a finding of lack of mutual assent.

B. Fraud or Misrepresentation

  1. If a party can prove that the other party engaged in fraud or intentional misrepresentation regarding the arbitration agreement, it may be invalidated.
  2. Concealment of material information, false statements, or misleading representations can undermine the validity of the agreement.
  3. The injured party must demonstrate that they reasonably relied on the false information and that they suffered harm as a result.

C. Invalidating the Entire Contract

  1. In certain cases, if the arbitration agreement is found to be invalid, the court may invalidate the entire contract.
  2. This can occur when the arbitration provision is an integral part of the overall agreement, and its invalidation would render the entire contract unenforceable.
  3. The court will consider factors such as the severability clause, the intention of the parties, and the impact on the overall contract in making this determination.

Statutory Exceptions to Arbitration

A. Statutory Rights

  1. Certain statutory rights are protected by law and cannot be waived or compelled to arbitration through an agreement.
  2. These rights may include claims related to discrimination, harassment, retaliation, or violations of specific labor laws.
  3. If the claims fall within the scope of protected statutory rights, the injured party may be entitled to pursue legal action despite signing an arbitration agreement.

B. Public Policy Considerations

  1. In some jurisdictions, public policy considerations may override the enforceability of an arbitration agreement.
  2. If the subject matter of the dispute involves matters of public interest or affects the rights of third parties, the court may allow legal action to proceed.
  3. Courts will assess the balance between individual contractual rights and public policy considerations in determining the enforceability of arbitration agreements.

C. Unlawful or Void Contracts

  1. If the underlying contract containing the arbitration agreement is unlawful, against public policy, or void, the arbitration provision may be rendered unenforceable.
  2. Examples include contracts involving illegal activities, contracts in violation of antitrust laws, or contracts obtained through fraud or coercion.
  3. Courts will review the legality and validity of the contract as a whole to determine the enforceability of the arbitration agreement.


While signing an arbitration agreement typically waives the right to sue, there are circumstances in which legal action may still be pursued. Procedural and substantive unconscionability, invalidation of the agreement, and statutory exceptions are key factors that can allow an individual to challenge the enforceability of an arbitration agreement. It is essential to consult with legal counsel to assess the specific circumstances of your case and determine whether suing despite signing an arbitration agreement is a viable option.


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