Home Common Sense Can you Marry your 3rd Cousin?

Can you Marry your 3rd Cousin?

by 玛丽

Marriage is a significant life decision, and understanding the legal and social aspects of potential partner choices is essential. In this article, we explore the question of whether it is permissible to marry one’s third cousin. We will delve into the legal considerations, social perceptions, and factors to consider when contemplating such a union.


Defining Third Cousin Relationships

To comprehend the implications of marrying a third cousin, it is essential to understand cousin relationships. Cousins are individuals who share a common ancestor, typically a grandparent or great-grandparent. The degree of cousinship is determined by the number of generations separating two individuals from their most recent common ancestor. First cousins share grandparents, second cousins share great-grandparents, and third cousins share great-great-grandparents.


1.2 Genetic Distance

When considering cousin relationships, it is important to understand genetic distance. Third cousins share a lower degree of genetic similarity compared to closer relatives, which reduces the risk of certain genetic disorders associated with consanguinity.


Legal Considerations

2.1 Laws Vary by Jurisdiction

The legality of marrying a third cousin varies by jurisdiction. In many countries and states, marriage between third cousins is permitted and not restricted by law. However, it is important to research the specific laws of the jurisdiction where the marriage is to take place, as regulations can differ.

2.2 Consanguinity Laws

Some jurisdictions have laws that restrict marriage between close relatives, but these typically do not extend to third cousins. However, it is advisable to consult local marriage laws or seek legal counsel to ensure compliance with regional regulations.

Social Perceptions and Cultural Practices

3.1 Cultural and Religious Influences

Social perceptions and cultural practices can influence the acceptability of marriages between third cousins. In some cultures and religious communities, such unions may be more prevalent or culturally accepted due to historical norms or traditional practices.

3.2 Changing Social Attitudes

Social attitudes towards cousin relationships have evolved over time. While there may still be societal taboos or stigmas associated with cousin marriages, these perceptions vary across different cultures and communities.

Considerations for Marrying a Third Cousin

4.1 Genetic Counseling

Before entering into a marriage with a third cousin, it may be beneficial to consider genetic counseling. Genetic counselors can provide insight into any potential genetic risks associated with the union and offer guidance on family planning and health considerations.

4.2 Cultural and Family Dynamics

Considering the cultural and family dynamics surrounding cousin relationships is important. Factors such as family traditions, expectations, and dynamics should be carefully evaluated to ensure a harmonious union and family life.

4.3 Personal Compatibility and Values

As with any marriage, personal compatibility and shared values are crucial for a successful partnership. It is important to consider factors beyond familial connection and assess whether the individuals involved have compatible goals, aspirations, and a strong foundation for a lifelong commitment.

Benefits of Marrying a Third Cousin

While some believe that cousin marriage is a taboo and causes genetic defects in offspring, they’re actually only half right — and only to the second degree! The Icelandic study will shake that belief.

Not only are third or fourth cousins safe to marry, but they’re also your ideal partner, researchers have found. They’re far enough apart in the roots to avoid the risk of inbreeding, but your genes are close enough that they naturally work well together.

In addition, third- and fourth-cousin marriages are the best options for procreation because they have the “best of both worlds” advantages. They feel a sense of family familiarity and share family values. This leads to stronger family bonds.

Finally, while there may be genetic incompatibility in distant couples, cousins are at lower risk for genetic disorders. Therefore, this increases the chances of having a healthy child.

As a result, marriages between third- and fourth-generation cousins produced more children and grandchildren than other couples. This proves how serious Iceland is about increasing its population.So start shaking the branches on the other side of the family tree and see what happens.

​How much DNA do three generations of cousins share?

The actual percentage of shared DNA between third cousins may vary, depending on the specific genetic variation. On average, they shared 0.78 percent of each other’s DNA.

This amount is actually relatively low and belongs to the range of distant relatives. This compares to 50% DNA sharing for your siblings, 12.5% DNA sharing for your cousins, and 3.125% DNA sharing for cousins. The further away you are from your common ancestors, the less DNA you share with them.

Plus, we’ll break away from the research here and talk like friends. Once you have a third or fourth cousin, things get less “creepy” than you might think. It sounds like a close relative, but it’s not.

Third-generation cousins are people who only share your great-great-grandparents. This is the child of one of your parents’ distant cousins. Your fourth cousin only has common great-great-great-grandparents with you.


Marriage between third cousins is generally legal in many jurisdictions and does not carry the same legal restrictions as marriages between closer relatives. However, cultural and social perceptions can vary, and it is important to consider the attitudes and dynamics within one’s own community and family. Genetic counseling, personal compatibility, and a shared vision for the future should also be taken into account when contemplating a union with a third cousin. Ultimately, the decision to marry a third cousin should be based on careful consideration of legal, cultural, and personal factors to ensure a fulfilling and harmonious partnership.


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