Home laws and regulations Immigration and Customs Enforcement: Everything you need to know

Immigration and Customs Enforcement: Everything you need to know

by Cecilia

Immigration and Customs Enforcement, commonly known as ICE, is a crucial agency within the United States Department of Homeland Security (DHS). Established in 2003, ICE plays a vital role in enforcing immigration laws and maintaining national security. This comprehensive guide will delve into the history, functions, controversies, and recent developments surrounding ICE, shedding light on the agency’s significant impact on immigration policy and national security.


Historical Background of ICE

To understand ICE’s role and significance, we must first delve into its historical origins. ICE was established on March 1, 2003, following the implementation of the Homeland Security Act of 2002. This act led to the restructuring of various federal agencies, including the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) and the U.S. Customs Service, resulting in the birth of ICE.


The primary motivation behind creating ICE was to streamline immigration and customs enforcement efforts while strengthening national security in the aftermath of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. ICE inherited responsibilities related to immigration enforcement, customs enforcement, and investigations into customs violations.


Organizational Structure of ICE

ICE is organized into two main directorates, each responsible for distinct aspects of its mission:

a. Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO)

b. Homeland Security Investigations (HSI)

These directorates work in tandem to carry out ICE’s mandate effectively.

ICE’s Core Functions

ICE’s mission revolves around three core functions:

a. Immigration Enforcement: ICE is responsible for enforcing the nation’s immigration laws. This includes apprehending and removing individuals who are in the United States without legal authorization and ensuring that immigration proceedings are carried out fairly and in accordance with the law.

b. Customs Enforcement: ICE also oversees the enforcement of customs laws, including the prevention and investigation of customs-related crimes such as smuggling, trafficking, and the illegal importation of goods.

c. Homeland Security Investigations: HSI, a division of ICE, focuses on a wide range of investigative activities, including counterterrorism, cybercrime, human trafficking, drug smuggling, and transnational criminal organizations. HSI plays a vital role in safeguarding national security.

Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO)

ERO is the division of ICE primarily responsible for the apprehension, detention, and removal of individuals who are in the United States without proper authorization. ERO prioritizes the removal of individuals with criminal records, posing a threat to public safety, or recently entering the country illegally.

Critics of ERO argue that its operations can lead to family separations and detainment under often contentious conditions. Supporters emphasize the importance of enforcing immigration laws to protect national security.

Homeland Security Investigations (HSI)

HSI conducts a wide range of investigations, focusing on various aspects of national security and public safety. Some of its key responsibilities include:

Counterterrorism: Investigating and preventing acts of terrorism within the United States.

Cybercrime: Combating cyber threats, including hacking, online fraud, and intellectual property theft.

Human Trafficking: Investigating human trafficking networks and rescuing victims.

Drug Enforcement: Combating drug smuggling and distribution networks.

Immigration Fraud: Investigating individuals or organizations involved in fraudulent immigration practices.

HSI’s work is critical to safeguarding the United States from various threats, but it has also faced scrutiny, particularly in cases where its actions intersect with immigration enforcement.

Controversies Surrounding ICE

ICE has been at the center of numerous controversies and debates, with criticism and support coming from various quarters. Some of the key points of contention include:

a. Detention Facilities: Concerns have been raised about the conditions in ICE detention facilities, including allegations of overcrowding, inadequate medical care, and substandard living conditions.

b. Family Separations: The Trump administration’s “zero tolerance” policy, which led to the separation of families at the border, generated significant controversy and legal challenges.

c. Deportations: ICE’s enforcement activities have led to the deportation of thousands of individuals, sparking debates about the fairness and humanitarian aspects of these actions.

d. Cooperation with Local Law Enforcement: Policies such as the 287(g) program, which allows local law enforcement agencies to collaborate with ICE, have been criticized for potentially undermining trust within immigrant communities.

Recent Developments and Policy Changes

In recent years, ICE has undergone significant policy changes and adjustments in response to public and political pressures. Some notable developments include:

a. Biden Administration: The Biden administration has introduced changes to immigration enforcement policies, emphasizing the prioritization of individuals with serious criminal records for deportation and taking steps to address the challenges of family separation.

b. Temporary Protected Status (TPS): The administration has also expanded the TPS program for several countries, providing temporary relief to immigrants from nations facing humanitarian crises.

c. Sanctuary Cities: Some cities and states have declared themselves “sanctuary” jurisdictions, limiting their cooperation with ICE and challenging federal immigration enforcement efforts.


Immigration and Customs Enforcement is a multifaceted agency with a broad mandate, encompassing immigration enforcement, customs enforcement, and national security investigations. While ICE plays a crucial role in maintaining national security and enforcing immigration laws, it has also been a subject of controversy, with debates focusing on detention conditions, family separations, and deportation policies.

As ICE continues to evolve in response to changing political landscapes and societal concerns, understanding its functions, structure, controversies, and recent developments is essential for informed discussions about immigration and national security in the United States. Balancing the imperative of enforcing immigration laws with respect for human rights and due process remains an ongoing challenge for this important agency.


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