Home Hot Topic Wisconsin legislature passes liquor law reform: Private wedding venues object

Wisconsin legislature passes liquor law reform: Private wedding venues object

by Celia

The Republican-controlled Wisconsin Legislature on Tuesday passed a bipartisan measure to overhaul the state’s liquor laws and create new regulations for wedding barns.


Republican Senate Majority Leader Devin LeMahieu introduced the proposal in a surprise last-minute amendment that gutted a bill setting standards for alcohol and tobacco retailers and replaced it with a lengthy liquor law overhaul nearly identical to one passed by the state Assembly in June.


The measure, which passed the Senate 21-11 with bipartisan support and opposition, would create a new division within the state Department of Taxation to oversee and enforce liquor laws. It would also require special event venues, commonly known as wedding barns, to either limit the number of times they serve alcohol in a year or obtain a liquor licence.


The Assembly passed the bill 88-10 on Tuesday night. The bill now goes to Democratic Governor Tony Evers, who can veto it or sign it into law.

Wedding barn owners have objected to the proposal, saying the added requirements could put them out of business. Currently, wedding barns and other private event venues don’t need a liquor licence to operate, and many contract with licensed vendors to provide alcohol at the events they host.

By introducing the bill as an amendment on the Senate floor, lawmakers bypassed the committee hearing process that allows the public to weigh in on proposed legislation.

“It’s sneaky and it’s underhanded,” said Sheila Everhart, executive director of the Wisconsin Agricultural Tourism Association, which is working with the wedding barn industry to oppose the changes. “We couldn’t go and testify.”

Republican Senate President Chris Kapenga ruled that the amendment was out of order. But in a rare move, the Senate overturned his ruling by a vote of 19-14. The Senate also rejected several amendments to expand the ability of venues without liquor licences to serve alcohol at private events.

Under the bill, wedding barn owners could either get a permit that would allow them to host events six times a year, or no more than once a month – or get a liquor licence that would allow them to sell alcohol at as many events as they want.

“We’re literally putting our foot on their neck and not giving them a way out,” said Democratic Senator Lena Taylor, who opposes the measure.

The bill was backed by Wisconsin wholesalers, retailers and brewers, the banquet halls that compete with wedding barns, and the Tavern League of Wisconsin, a powerful lobbying group that represents the state’s bars, restaurants and taverns.

Supporters of the bill were largely silent during Tuesday’s testimony, but some lawmakers backing the measure have previously said they believe the wedding barn industry needs stricter regulation for the sake of public safety. Other supporters of the bill have said it would put the wedding barn industry on a level playing field with taverns and bars that compete for the same customers.

Republican Senator Steve Nass, who voted against the bill, accused lawmakers who supported it of bowing to lobbyists instead of supporting small businesses.

“This is about shutting down competition,” Nass said. “The government is picking the winners and losers in this industry today.”


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