Home Hot Topic Derivative law on personal data protection finalised, expected to be issued in 2024

Derivative law on personal data protection finalised, expected to be issued in 2024

by Celia

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – The Ministry of Communication and Information has announced that the government has finalised the draft of derivative regulations for the Personal Data Protection Law (UU PDP). Next, the ministry will form a special committee consisting of ministries/agencies to discuss the derivative regulations.


“The PDP law has a PP (government regulation) and a presidential decree. In essence, this means that the draft is ready,” the ministry’s director general for public information and communication, Usman Kansong, said in Jakarta on Monday (4 December).


He said the draft was now in the process of being harmonised. He hopes that regulations derived from the PDP law can be issued immediately in early 2024, so that cases such as the data leaks do not happen again, or at least can be dealt with firmly and specifically.


“We have sent a letter to the Ministry of Law and Human Rights to form a committee of ministries and institutions for further discussion. We will check again to see if there are any new proposals for the PP or the presidential decree,” he said.

As for the formation of an agency with authority over personal data protection, Usman said the matter was still under discussion.


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