Home Hot Topic Anti-book bans, gender-neutral toy aisles and number plates: New laws for 2024

Anti-book bans, gender-neutral toy aisles and number plates: New laws for 2024

by Celia

As the new year unfolds, several U.S. states usher in changes with the implementation of new laws, addressing a range of contentious and culturally significant issues. State legislatures reconvene, navigating a landscape from anti-book bans to increased access to birth control.


DEI Ban in Texas:


Texas introduces a law requiring public colleges to adhere to a ban on diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) offices on campuses. This move aligns with a broader Republican-driven backlash against DEI, evident in politics, business, and academia.


Gender-Neutral Toy Aisles in California:

California officially mandates gender-neutral toy aisles for large retailers. The law, adopted in 2021, specifies that stores with 500 or more employees must offer toys and child care products in a gender-neutral section, irrespective of traditional marketing for boys or girls. Retailers maintain the option to provide gender-specific products alongside gender-neutral offerings.

Wider Access to Birth Control:

HRA Pharma’s Opill, the first daily birth control pill available without a prescription, hits drug stores and convenience outlets following FDA approval. This move is considered a post-Roe “game changer” and aims to reduce barriers to accessing contraceptives. Some states, including Montana and Nevada, allow extended supplies of birth control, while New Jersey permits pharmacists to administer hormonal contraceptives without a prescription.

No Book Bans in Illinois:

Illinois becomes the first state to penalize libraries that ban books. Governor J.B. Pritzker signed a law making public libraries ineligible for state funding if they ban materials based on “partisan or doctrinal” disapproval. The initiative responds to conservative efforts limiting access to texts addressing race or LGBTQ+ issues.

Increased Minimum Wage:

As of January 1, the minimum wage rises in 22 states, providing an automatic raise for those earning the minimum. This wage increase typically influences pay scales for those above the minimum, reflecting a broader impact. Three additional states and Washington, D.C., are set to raise the wage later in the year.

Stricter Gun Legislation:

Michigan’s Democratic-led Senate approved a package to increase gun ownership regulations, including safe storage laws, expanded background checks, and red flag laws. In California, a law banning concealed guns in most public places takes effect, subject to ongoing legal challenges.

Blackout License Plates in Minnesota:

Minnesota introduces “blackout” license plates as an option for drivers, along with new designs celebrating professional sports teams and recognizing missing and murdered indigenous relatives.


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