Home Hot Topic Sheriff warns residents to be on the lookout for police imposters

Sheriff warns residents to be on the lookout for police imposters

by Celia

WALNUT RIDGE, Ark. – Lawrence County Sheriff Tony Waldrupe issues a caution to residents, urging vigilance against individuals posing as law enforcement officers in the region.


Sheriff Waldrupe emphasizes that if a deputy from his office conducts a traffic stop, there will be discernible indicators to confirm their legitimacy.


“Residents should typically observe blue lights, often located in the upper part of the vehicle,” Sheriff Waldrupe stated. “Most of our units are prominently marked, though we do have a few unmarked vehicles. All our deputies will be in uniform.”


The advisory follows a recent social media post recounting an incident where a woman was reportedly pulled over on the side of Highway 63 near Imboden by a white Ford Crown Victoria. The unknown individual allegedly approached her vehicle, persistently attempting to engage her by prompting her to roll down her window. Unsuccessful in his endeavors, the man eventually returned to his vehicle and left the scene. The woman noted the presence of a red strip light in the back of the car.

Sheriff Waldrupe underscores that authentic law enforcement vehicles predominantly use blue lights, occasionally featuring clear, red, orange, or green lights. Any deviation from this norm could indicate an impersonation attempt.

In case of suspicion during a traffic stop, residents are advised to take precautionary measures.

“Reduce your speed, activate your flashers, seek a safe public place or well-lit area, and pull into that location,” Sheriff Waldrupe recommends.

As a final recourse, individuals can contact the county’s dispatch to verify the legitimacy of the stop.

“If in doubt, call 911 and confirm with dispatch that an officer is conducting a stop or inquire about the situation,” Sheriff Waldrupe urged.

Residents are encouraged to report any incidents involving an attempted impersonation of a law enforcement officer in the county to the Lawrence County Sheriff’s Office.


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