Home Common Sense Security Agreements: How to Draft One That Works

Security Agreements: How to Draft One That Works

by Celia

A security agreement is a crucial legal document that establishes a security interest in collateral, often used in financial transactions. Whether you are a lender or a borrower, drafting a security agreement that works requires careful consideration of various factors. In this article, we will guide you through the process of drafting an effective security agreement, highlighting key components and considerations to ensure a robust and legally sound document.


1. Clearly Identify the Parties:

Begin your security agreement by clearly identifying the parties involved – the secured party (typically the lender) and the debtor (borrower). Include their legal names, addresses, and any other relevant identification details.


2. Define the Collateral:

Clearly and comprehensively define the collateral that will serve as security for the agreement. This can include real property, personal property, accounts, inventory, or any other assets agreed upon by both parties. Provide detailed descriptions to avoid ambiguity.


3. State the Purpose of the Agreement:

Explicitly state the purpose of the security agreement. Specify the reason for creating a security interest in the collateral, such as securing a loan, credit, or other financial obligations.

4. Clearly Outline Obligations:

Detail the obligations of the debtor to the secured party. This section should cover the specific terms of the loan or credit arrangement, including the amount borrowed, interest rates, repayment terms, and any other relevant financial terms.

5. Attach a Promissory Note:

Consider attaching a promissory note to the security agreement. A promissory note outlines the specific terms of the loan or credit, serving as evidence of the debtor’s promise to repay the secured party.

6. Include a Grant of Security Interest:

Explicitly state that the debtor grants a security interest in the collateral to the secured party to secure the obligations outlined in the agreement. This grants the secured party a legal claim to the collateral in case of default.

7. Address Default and Remedies:

Clearly outline the circumstances under which a default will occur, such as missed payments or breaches of other obligations. Specify the remedies available to the secured party in the event of default, including the right to seize, sell, or otherwise dispose of the collateral.

8. Perfection of Security Interest:

Describe the steps that will be taken to perfect the security interest. This often involves filing a UCC-1 financing statement with the appropriate government authority to establish public notice of the security interest.

9. Governing Law and Jurisdiction:

Include a clause specifying the governing law that will apply to the security agreement. Additionally, designate the jurisdiction in which disputes will be resolved, whether through mediation, arbitration, or litigation.

10. Consult Legal Professionals:

While drafting a security agreement may seem straightforward, legal nuances can significantly impact its effectiveness. Seek legal advice or have the document reviewed by legal professionals to ensure compliance with applicable laws and regulations.

11. Comprehensive Definitions:

Provide comprehensive definitions for key terms used throughout the agreement. This enhances clarity and reduces the potential for misunderstandings between the parties.

12. Signature Section:

Conclude the security agreement with a signature section. Ensure that both parties carefully read and understand the terms before signing. Each party should retain a copy of the fully executed agreement.

FAQs about security agreements

What is a security interest?

A security interest is a legal interest in collateral, such as personal or real property, granted by a debtor to a secured party (usually a lender) as a form of security for a debt or obligation.

What types of assets can be used as collateral in a security agreement?

Various assets can be used as collateral, including real estate, vehicles, equipment, inventory, accounts receivable, intellectual property, and other valuable property.

How does a security agreement differ from a promissory note?

A promissory note is a written promise to repay a debt, while a security agreement creates a security interest in specific collateral to secure the repayment of the debt. Both are often used together in lending transactions.

What is the purpose of a security agreement?

The primary purpose of a security agreement is to protect the interests of a lender or creditor by establishing a legal claim (security interest) on the borrower’s assets. This provides a source of repayment if the borrower defaults on the loan.

What are the key components of a security agreement?

Key components include the names and addresses of the parties, a description of the collateral, the terms of the security interest, default provisions, and any other terms and conditions agreed upon by the parties.

How is a security agreement enforced?

If the borrower defaults on the loan, the secured party can enforce the security interest by taking possession of the collateral, selling it, or using other remedies specified in the agreement or by law.

Can a security agreement be used in personal loans?

Yes, security agreements can be used in personal loans where the borrower pledges personal assets as collateral. However, the specific requirements and enforceability may vary by jurisdiction.

Do security agreements have to be recorded?

In many cases, security agreements involving real property or certain types of personal property need to be recorded or filed with the appropriate government agency to establish the priority of the security interest.

Can multiple security interests exist on the same collateral?

Yes, it is possible for multiple parties to have security interests in the same collateral. The priority of these interests is often determined by the order in which they were perfected or recorded.


In conclusion, drafting a security agreement that works requires attention to detail and a comprehensive understanding of the legal and financial aspects involved. By clearly identifying the parties, defining collateral, stating the purpose, and addressing obligations and remedies, you create a robust and effective document. Consultation with legal professionals adds an extra layer of protection, ensuring that the security agreement complies with relevant laws and regulations. With a well-drafted security agreement, both parties can engage in financial transactions with confidence, knowing their interests are protected and the terms are legally enforceable.


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