Home Documents What Is Quasi Contract in Business Law: A Simple Guide

What Is Quasi Contract in Business Law: A Simple Guide

by Celia

In the intricate web of business transactions and legal relationships, the concept of quasi contracts serves as a unique and important principle in business law. While not actual contracts in the traditional sense, quasi contracts arise to prevent unjust enrichment and ensure fairness in certain situations. This comprehensive explanation sheds light on what constitutes a quasi contract, its key elements, and its significance within the realm of business law.


Definition of Quasi Contract:

A quasi contract, also known as a “contract implied in law,” is a legal fiction created by the courts to rectify situations where one party benefits unjustly at the expense of another. Unlike explicit contracts, quasi contracts are not formed through mutual agreement but are imposed by law to prevent one party from being unjustly enriched.


Key Elements of a Quasi Contract:

Unjust Enrichment: The fundamental principle behind a quasi contract is the prevention of unjust enrichment. This occurs when one party receives a benefit from another without a legal reason and it would be unfair to allow them to keep the benefit without compensating the other party.


Lack of Mutual Agreement: Unlike traditional contracts that require mutual assent, quasi contracts arise in situations where there is no express agreement between the parties. The law imposes the obligation to prevent injustice.

Quantum Meruit: The concept of quantum meruit, meaning “as much as he deserves,” often underlies quasi contracts. It refers to the reasonable value of services or goods provided, and the court determines the compensation based on this principle.

Instances Leading to Quasi Contracts:

Unintended Benefits: Quasi contracts may arise when one party confers a benefit upon another unintentionally. If the recipient retains the benefit without compensating the provider, a quasi contract may be imposed.

Emergency Situations: In emergency situations where immediate action is required, and a benefit is conferred without the possibility of obtaining the other party’s consent, a quasi contract may be imposed to ensure fair compensation.

Failure of Express Contract: If an express contract fails due to illegality, impossibility, or another reason, a quasi contract may be imposed to prevent unjust enrichment.

Elements of Quasi Contractual Obligations:

Performance of Services or Conferment of Benefit: The claimant must have performed services or conferred a benefit upon the defendant. This could involve providing goods, services, or taking actions that result in a benefit to the other party.

Expectation of Payment: The claimant must have had a reasonable expectation of receiving payment or compensation for the services or benefits provided.

Unjust Retention: The defendant must have retained the benefit without paying for it, leading to unjust enrichment. The court steps in to rectify this imbalance through the imposition of a quasi contract.

Calculation of Damages in Quasi Contracts:

Quantum Meruit: The court calculates damages in a quasi contract based on the principle of quantum meruit. This involves determining the reasonable value of the services or benefits provided.

Restitution: The aim of damages in quasi contracts is restitution, which means restoring the injured party to the position they would have been in had the quasi contract not been necessary.

Limitations and Defenses:

No Voluntary Acceptance: If the party receiving the benefit did not voluntarily accept it, a quasi contract may not be imposed.

Failure to Prove Elements: The claimant must prove the key elements of a quasi contract, including the provision of services or benefits, the expectation of payment, and unjust retention.

Availability of Other Remedies: If other legal remedies or contractual agreements are available, a quasi contract may not be necessary or enforceable.

Significance in Business Law:

Equitable Remedies: Quasi contracts play a significant role in business law by providing an equitable remedy when no formal contract exists. This ensures that parties are treated fairly and prevents one party from unjustly benefiting at the expense of another.

Filler of Contractual Gaps: In situations where an express contract is incomplete or fails, a quasi contract may fill the gaps, allowing the court to determine fair compensation based on the services or benefits provided.

Resolution of Unintended Benefits: In complex business transactions, unintended benefits may occur. Quasi contracts offer a legal framework for addressing these situations, promoting fairness and preventing windfall gains.

FAQs about quasi contracts in business law

What is a quasi contract?

A quasi contract is a legal concept used to impose obligations resembling those of a contract on parties who have not actually entered into a contract. It is not a true contract but is created by law to prevent unjust enrichment.

How does a quasi contract differ from a regular contract?

While a regular contract is formed by the mutual agreement of the parties, a quasi contract is imposed by law to prevent unfairness or unjust enrichment. Quasi contracts are not based on the parties’ intentions but rather on the need for fairness.

When does a quasi contract arise?

A quasi contract arises when one party confers a benefit on another party, and it would be unjust for the beneficiary to retain that benefit without compensating the provider. It typically occurs in situations where there is no formal agreement between the parties.

What remedies are available in quasi contract cases?

The primary remedy in quasi contract cases is restitution. The party that received the benefit may be required to pay a sum equal to the value of the benefit received. Unlike regular contracts, damages are not typically awarded in quasi contract cases.

Is there a requirement for a meeting of the minds in a quasi contract?

No, a quasi contract does not require a meeting of the minds or mutual assent between the parties. It is imposed by law to prevent one party from being unjustly enriched at the expense of another.


Quasi contracts stand as a testament to the flexibility and fairness inherent in the legal system. In the intricate dance of business transactions, where intentions may be implicit or actions may lead to unintended benefits, the concept of quasi contracts serves as a vital mechanism for rectifying imbalances. Through the imposition of quasi-contractual obligations, business law ensures that parties are held accountable for the benefits they receive, fostering equity and maintaining the delicate balance of justice in the dynamic world of commerce.


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