Home Hot Topic East Texans could get affordable housing under new state law

East Texans could get affordable housing under new state law

by Celia

Annual reports from the National Low Income Housing Coalition reveal that Texas stands as the sixth-worst state in the United States concerning affordable housing. This challenge is particularly felt in East Texas, where local non-profits report a surge in requests for rent assistance from hundreds of individuals struggling to make ends meet.


Residents like Tabita Little in Jacksonville express the overwhelming burden of the rising cost of living. Little, disabled due to a work injury two years ago, underscores the challenges faced when essential needs become financially out of reach.


Michael Wilt from the Texas State Affordable Housing Corporation sheds light on the statewide struggle for low-income communities. He notes that individuals earning minimum wage would need to work 113 hours per week to afford fair market rent for a two-bedroom apartment, emphasizing the unsustainability of such circumstances.


To address the affordable housing deficit, House Bill 1058 has come into effect, offering tax credit relief to investors to incentivize the construction of more affordable homes. Wilt explains that these tax credits go to investors who, instead of paying federal or state taxes, choose to invest in the production of affordable housing.

Shannon Franzen from the Greater Tyler Association of Realtors highlights the challenges in housing projects, citing the cumulative costs of land, permits, labor, and materials. She emphasizes the potential impact of upfront investment, stating that it could assist developers in overcoming financial hurdles, especially for those passionate about affordable housing projects.

Looking for additional solutions in East Texas, Franzen suggests city governments collaborating with local investors to prioritize low-income housing projects.

While House Bill 1058 received limited funding, experts from the Texas State Affordable Housing Coalition suggest that, depending on its impact, more tax credit allocations could be allocated over time to address the ongoing affordable housing challenges in the state.


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