Home laws and regulations How to Get Proof of Common Law Marriage in Texas?

How to Get Proof of Common Law Marriage in Texas?

by Celia

In the Lone Star State of Texas, common law marriage holds legal significance, granting couples certain rights and responsibilities akin to those in formal marriages. However, establishing proof of such unions can sometimes be complex. Understanding the process is crucial for couples seeking validation of their common law marriages. In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the intricacies of obtaining proof of common law marriage in Texas, outlining the steps, requirements, and key considerations for navigating this aspect of family law.


Understanding Common Law Marriage in Texas

Definition of Common Law Marriage:

Common law marriage in Texas refers to a union where couples live together and present themselves as married without obtaining a formal marriage license.


This arrangement carries legal recognition and obligations similar to those of formally recognized marriages.


Requirements for Common Law Marriage:

Both parties must agree to be married.

They must live together as spouses in Texas.

They must hold themselves out to the public as married.

Duration Requirement:

There’s no specific timeframe for a common law marriage to be considered valid in Texas.

However, the couple must meet all requirements continuously and without interruption.

Establishing Proof of Common Law Marriage

Affidavit of Informal Marriage:

Couples seeking to establish proof of their common law marriage can file an affidavit of informal marriage with the county clerk’s office.

This affidavit requires both parties to sign under oath, declaring themselves as married.

Providing Supporting Documentation:

Supporting documents such as joint bank accounts, shared bills, or property ownership can strengthen the case for a common law marriage.

Other evidence may include joint tax returns, insurance policies listing one another as beneficiaries, or testimonies from friends and family affirming the marital relationship.

Witness Testimonies:

Testimonies from witnesses who can attest to the couple’s relationship and public representation as married can bolster the claim of a common law marriage.

Witnesses may include friends, family members, or acquaintances who have observed the couple’s marital status over time.

Legal Implications of Common Law Marriage in Texas

Rights and Benefits:

Common law spouses in Texas are entitled to various rights and benefits enjoyed by formally married couples, including inheritance rights, spousal support, and access to healthcare benefits.

Divorce Proceedings:

Dissolving a common law marriage in Texas follows the same legal procedures as formal marriages.

Couples must go through divorce proceedings to legally terminate their common law marriage and address issues such as property division and child custody.

Child Custody and Support:

In cases of common law marriage dissolution involving children, the court will determine custody and support arrangements based on the best interests of the child, considering factors such as parental fitness and stability.

Seeking Legal Assistance

Consultation with Family Law Attorney:

Given the complexities surrounding common law marriage and its proof in Texas, seeking guidance from a knowledgeable family law attorney is advisable.

An attorney can provide legal advice, assist with gathering necessary documentation, and represent clients in court proceedings if needed.

Legal Representation in Disputes:

In cases where disputes arise regarding the validity of a common law marriage or its dissolution, having legal representation is crucial to protect one’s rights and interests.

An experienced attorney can navigate the legal complexities and advocate for a favorable outcome on behalf of their client.


Obtaining proof of common law marriage in Texas is a process that requires careful attention to legal requirements and documentation. Couples seeking validation of their unions must understand the criteria for common law marriage, gather supporting evidence, and, if necessary, seek legal assistance to navigate any complexities or disputes. By following the guidelines outlined in this article, individuals can take proactive steps towards establishing the validity of their common law marriages in the eyes of the law.


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