Home News Hong Kong lawmakers give government more power to curb dissent by unanimously approving security bill

Hong Kong lawmakers give government more power to curb dissent by unanimously approving security bill

by Celia

Lawmakers in Hong Kong unanimously passed a new national security law on Tuesday, marking a significant expansion of government authority aimed at curbing dissent. This move is widely regarded as part of a broader crackdown on political opposition triggered by the pro-democracy protests that erupted in 2019.


The legislation, known as the Safeguarding National Security Bill, was approved during a special session of the legislature. Among its provisions, the law grants authorities enhanced powers to prosecute individuals for various offenses, including “colluding with external forces” to carry out illegal activities, as well as charges of treason, insurrection, espionage, and divulging state secrets.


This new law builds upon a similar security measure imposed by Beijing in 2020, which has already stifled dissenting voices in the city. Critics fear that the latest legislation will further undermine civil liberties, which were supposed to be preserved under the “one country, two systems” framework until 2047, according to the terms of Hong Kong’s handover from British to Chinese rule in 1997.


The Legislative Council of Hong Kong, now dominated by pro-Beijing lawmakers following electoral changes, expedited the passage of the law. Since its introduction on March 8, a committee has been convening daily meetings for a week, responding to an appeal by Hong Kong’s leader, John Lee, to fast-track the legislation. Following the vote, Lee announced that the law would come into effect on Saturday.


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