Home News China Responds to U.S. Criticism of Hong Kong’s National Security Law

China Responds to U.S. Criticism of Hong Kong’s National Security Law

by Celia

In a rebuttal to U.S. criticism over Hong Kong’s new national security law, China’s embassy asserted the importance of respecting China’s sovereignty. The response came following the passing of the law by Hong Kong lawmakers on Tuesday, a move deemed by detractors as amplifying governmental authority to suppress dissent.


The legislation, encompassing severe penalties for acts such as “treason” and “insurrection” carrying life imprisonment consequences, drew concerns from the U.S. State Department. The department raised apprehensions about the ambiguity and broad scope of the outlined threats in the law, suggesting potential ramifications on Hong Kong’s societal openness.


Emphasizing non-interference in internal affairs, China’s embassy in the U.S. underscored Hong Kong as an integral part of China, dismissing external scrutiny over domestic matters. The spokesperson urged the U.S. to uphold China’s sovereignty and desist from unwarranted involvement in Hong Kong’s affairs.


The introduction of the bill, dubbed Article 23, by Hong Kong’s Legislative Council on March 8 was accompanied by Chief Executive John Lee’s call for expedited passage amidst a backdrop of burgeoning geopolitical complexities.

China’s Foreign Minister, Wang Yi, previously criticized the U.S., alleging new suppressive tactics and citing exaggerated accusations against Beijing. Despite acknowledging some positive developments in bilateral relations, Wang Yi denounced the U.S.’s persisting misconceptions about China.


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