Home Common Sense Navigating Conflict: Understanding the Stages of Conflict Resolution

Navigating Conflict: Understanding the Stages of Conflict Resolution

by Celia

Conflict is an inevitable part of life, arising from differences in opinions, values, or interests. However, conflicts don’t have to result in negative outcomes; they can be opportunities for growth and understanding if managed effectively. Understanding the stages of conflict resolution can provide a roadmap for navigating through challenging situations. In this article, we will explore two common frameworks for understanding conflict resolution stages and offer practical tips for each stage.


1. Stages of Conflict Resolution

Common Frameworks:

The 5 Stages of Conflict (Thomas-Kilmann Model):

Avoiding: Parties choose to ignore or minimize the conflict, often resulting in unresolved issues simmering beneath the surface.


Accommodating: One party prioritizes the needs and concerns of the other, often at the expense of their own interests.


Competing: Parties assert their own interests aggressively, seeking to win at the expense of the other party.

Collaborating: Parties work together to find a mutually beneficial solution, prioritizing open communication and creative problem-solving.

Compromising: Parties seek a middle ground by making concessions to reach a resolution, often resulting in a less-than-ideal outcome for both parties.

The 7 Stages of Conflict:

Latent: Underlying issues or tensions exist, but they have not yet surfaced as a conflict.

Perceived: Parties become aware of the differences or issues that could lead to conflict.

Felt: Emotions such as frustration, anger, or fear arise as parties experience the conflict personally.

Manifest: Conflict becomes visible through actions, communication, or behaviors.

Aftermath: Once the conflict is resolved, there may be lingering effects such as damaged relationships or wounded pride.

Resolution: Parties reach a mutually acceptable solution or agreement.

Reconciliation: Efforts are made to repair relationships and restore trust between parties.

2. Practical Information:


Workplace Conflict: In a team meeting, two colleagues have differing opinions on how to approach a project. Initially, they avoid addressing the issue, but tensions rise as deadlines approach. Eventually, they collaborate to develop a compromise that integrates aspects of both ideas.

Personal Relationships: A couple experiences conflict over household chores. Initially, they compete, each insisting their approach is correct. However, through open communication and compromise, they develop a shared chore schedule that satisfies both parties.


Active Listening: Take the time to listen to the other party’s perspective without interruption or judgment.

Focus on Interests: Instead of positions, identify the underlying needs or interests driving each party’s stance.

Seek Common Ground: Look for areas of agreement or shared goals that can serve as a foundation for resolution.

Stay Calm: Manage emotions effectively to prevent escalation and maintain constructive dialogue.

Easy to Understand and Navigate:

Clear and Concise Language: Avoid jargon and technical terms to ensure accessibility for all readers.

Structured Format: Use headings, subheadings, and bullet points to break down information for easy comprehension.

Mobile-Friendly: Ensure content is accessible and readable on all devices for convenient access anytime, anywhere.


Conflict resolution is a skill that can be developed and honed with practice. By understanding the stages of conflict resolution and employing practical strategies, individuals can navigate conflicts effectively, turning them into opportunities for growth and collaboration.


What are the five stages of conflict resolution?

The five stages of conflict resolution are: (1) Identification of the conflict, (2) Analysis of the conflict, (3) Strategy development, (4) Intervention, and (5) Evaluation and follow-up. These stages help in understanding, addressing, and resolving conflicts effectively.

What are the 5 conflict resolutions?

The five types of conflict resolution strategies include: (1) Compromise, (2) Collaboration, (3) Avoidance, (4) Accommodation, and (5) Competition. Each approach offers different ways to address and resolve conflicts depending on the situation and the parties involved.

What are the 4 steps of conflict resolution?

The four steps of conflict resolution typically involve: (1) Identifying the issue, (2) Understanding the interests of parties involved, (3) Generating options for resolution, and (4) Reaching a mutually acceptable solution. These steps provide a structured approach to addressing and resolving conflicts effectively.


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