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How to Write a Simple Agreement Between Two Parties?

by Celia

1. Introduction to Simple Agreements

In the realm of legal agreements, simplicity can often be the key to effectiveness. A simple agreement, also known as a basic agreement or a memorandum of understanding (MOU), is a document that outlines the terms and conditions of a mutual understanding between two or more parties. It serves as a foundational document for various transactions, collaborations, or arrangements where a detailed contract might be unnecessary or overly burdensome.

Differentiating Simple Agreements and Complex Legal Contracts

Simple agreements are distinct from complex legal contracts in their scope and level of detail. While complex contracts delve into intricate legal language, extensive terms, and conditions, simple agreements are characterized by their brevity, clarity, and straightforwardness. They are typically used for less formal arrangements or when parties prefer a more flexible and uncomplicated approach.

Benefits of Having a Written Agreement

The primary advantage of having a written agreement, even if it is simple, is the clarity it provides to all parties involved. By clearly documenting the terms and conditions of their agreement, parties can avoid misunderstandings, disputes, and potential legal ramifications. Additionally, a written agreement can serve as evidence of the parties’ intentions and obligations in the event of a disagreement or legal proceedings.

2. Key Elements of a Simple Agreement

Parties Involved: Begin by clearly identifying the parties entering into the agreement. Include their full legal names, addresses, and any other relevant identifying information.

Purpose of the Agreement: State the objective or purpose of the agreement in clear and concise language. Outline what each party aims to achieve through the agreement.

Consideration: Explain what each party is giving or receiving in exchange for the agreement. This could include monetary payments, services rendered, goods provided, or any other form of consideration.

Terms and Conditions: Provide a detailed outline of the specific terms and conditions of the agreement. This may include deliverables, timelines, payment terms, confidentiality provisions, responsibilities of each party, termination clauses, and any other relevant details.

Dispute Resolution: Briefly explain how potential disagreements or disputes will be resolved between the parties. This could involve negotiation, mediation, arbitration, or any other agreed-upon method of dispute resolution.

Signatures and Date: Emphasize the importance of obtaining signatures from all parties involved to signify their acceptance and agreement to the terms outlined. Include the date of signing for reference and validity.

3. Writing Style and Language

Clarity and Conciseness: Use simple and straightforward language to ensure clarity and understanding among all parties. Avoid legal jargon or overly complex terminology.

Active Voice: Write in an active voice to clearly define each party’s obligations and responsibilities within the agreement.

Specificity: Be specific and detailed in defining all terms and conditions to avoid ambiguity or misunderstanding.

4. Additional Considerations

Governing Law: Mention the applicable law governing the agreement to provide clarity on legal jurisdiction and interpretation.

Severability: Include a provision stating that if any part of the agreement is found to be invalid or unenforceable, the remaining provisions will still remain in effect.

Modification of Agreement: Describe the process by which the agreement can be amended or modified in the future if necessary. This could involve mutual agreement between the parties and formal documentation of any changes.


In conclusion, writing a simple agreement between two parties involves clearly defining the terms and conditions of their mutual understanding in a concise and understandable manner. By including key elements, writing in a clear and concise style, and considering additional legal considerations, parties can create a document that serves as a solid foundation for their agreement.


How to write a formal agreement between two parties?


To draft a formal agreement, start with a title that clearly identifies the parties involved. Include the date and a detailed description of the terms, responsibilities, and obligations of each party. Specify any conditions, consequences of breach, and dispute resolution mechanisms. Finally, both parties should sign the document.


How do you write a simple agreement?


Begin with a clear title indicating the agreement’s purpose and the involved parties. Outline the terms and conditions concisely, avoiding overly technical language. Specify obligations, responsibilities, and any considerations exchanged. Include a provision for amendments if necessary, and ensure both parties sign and date the agreement for validity.

How do you make a legal agreement between two people?

To create a legal agreement, clearly identify the parties involved and the subject matter of the agreement. Define the terms, obligations, and responsibilities of each party in detail. Ensure the agreement adheres to relevant legal requirements and regulations. It’s advisable to seek legal counsel to review and finalize the agreement before both parties sign it.


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