Home Knowledge What is Unfair Termination: A Comprehensive Guide

What is Unfair Termination: A Comprehensive Guide

by Celia

1. Define Unfair Termination:

Unfair termination refers to the dismissal of an employee from their job in a manner that violates their legal rights or contravenes established laws or regulations. This concept varies across jurisdictions, but generally, unfair termination occurs when an employee is fired without just cause or for reasons that are discriminatory, retaliatory, or in breach of employment contracts or statutory protections.


In contrast, lawful termination, also known as termination with cause, occurs when an employer has valid reasons, supported by evidence, for ending an employment relationship. These reasons typically include poor performance, misconduct, or redundancy. The distinction between fair and unfair termination hinges on whether the employer’s actions comply with relevant laws and regulations governing employment relationships.


Legislation and legal precedent play a crucial role in defining unfair termination. For example, in the United States, the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin, including in employment decisions such as termination. Similarly, in the United Kingdom, the Employment Rights Act 1996 provides protections against unfair dismissal, outlining specific grounds on which termination may be deemed unfair.


2. List the Grounds of Unfair Termination:

Discrimination: Termination based on protected characteristics such as race, gender, age, disability, religion, or sexual orientation.

Retaliation: Firing an employee in response to their exercising their legal rights, such as whistleblowing or filing a complaint of harassment or discrimination.

Breach of Contract: Dismissing an employee in violation of the terms of their employment contract, including failure to follow proper disciplinary procedures.

Family or Medical Leave: Terminating an employee for taking legally entitled leave, such as parental leave or medical leave under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) in the U.S.

Union Activity: Firing an employee for engaging in lawful union activities or organizing efforts protected under labor laws.

Political Beliefs: Dismissing an employee based on their political affiliations or beliefs, where such factors are not relevant to the job.

Pregnancy Discrimination: Terminating a female employee due to pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical conditions.

Whistleblowing: Firing an employee for reporting illegal or unethical activities within the organization to authorities or regulatory bodies.

Protected Activities: Dismissing an employee for participating in protected activities such as serving on a jury or exercising voting rights.

Public Policy Violation: Termination that contravenes public policy, such as firing an employee for refusing to engage in illegal activities.

3. Provide Examples of Unfair Termination:

Example 1: A female employee is fired shortly after informing her employer of her pregnancy. Despite her excellent performance, the employer cites budget cuts as the reason for termination, but later hires a less qualified individual to fill her position.

Example 2: An employee who reported safety violations in the workplace to the relevant regulatory agency is terminated shortly thereafter. The employer claims the termination is due to downsizing, but there is evidence suggesting retaliation for whistleblowing.

Example 3: A worker is fired for posting political views on social media during their personal time. The employer argues that the views expressed contradict the company’s values, but there is no evidence of the employee’s actions impacting their job performance or the organization’s operations.

4. Outline Legal Remedies and Resources:

Employees who believe they have been unfairly terminated have several legal remedies available to them:

Filing a complaint with a labor board or government agency responsible for enforcing employment laws.

Seeking legal advice from an employment lawyer who specializes in wrongful termination cases.

Pursuing mediation or arbitration to resolve disputes with the employer outside of court.

Exploring options for reinstatement, compensation for lost wages, or other damages resulting from unfair termination.


It’s important to note that the information provided in this article is for general knowledge purposes only and should not be construed as legal advice. Laws and regulations governing employment relationships vary by jurisdiction, and specific circumstances may warrant consultation with a qualified legal professional. If you believe you have been unfairly terminated, seek guidance from an experienced attorney who can offer personalized advice based on your unique situation.


What are the grounds for dismissal that are deemed to be unfair?

Unfair dismissal can occur when an employee is terminated for reasons unrelated to their job performance or conduct, such as discrimination, whistleblowing, or asserting legal rights like maternity or paternity leave.

What is the most common remedy for unfair dismissal?

The most common remedy for unfair dismissal is reinstatement or compensation. Reinstatement involves returning the employee to their previous position with the same terms and conditions. Compensation typically involves monetary payment for lost wages and other damages suffered due to the unfair dismissal.

What are the five fair reasons for dismissal?

Five fair reasons for dismissal include misconduct, capability or performance issues, redundancy, breach of statutory restriction, and “some other substantial reason” such as business reorganization or a breakdown in the employment relationship. These reasons are typically considered justifiable and lawful grounds for termination.


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