Home Knowledge What Is Consideration in Employment Contract?

What Is Consideration in Employment Contract?

by Celia

1. Definition and Importance:

Consideration, within the realm of employment contracts, refers to the exchange of something of value between the employer and the employee. In simple terms, it’s what each party gives and receives in return for entering into the contract. Legally, consideration is crucial for the validity and enforceability of an employment contract.


Consideration ensures that there is a mutual obligation between the employer and the employee. It signifies that both parties are bound by the terms of the contract and have provided something of value to each other. Without consideration, a contract lacks the element of reciprocity and may be deemed unenforceable.


2. Types of Consideration:

Employee’s Consideration: This refers to what the employee offers or provides as part of the contract. It often includes performing the agreed-upon work, utilizing specific skills or expertise, and adhering to company policies and procedures.


Employer’s Consideration: This pertains to what the employer offers or provides in exchange for the employee’s services. It encompasses paying wages or salary, providing benefits such as health insurance or retirement plans, offering training and development opportunities, and ensuring a safe work environment.

3. Lack of Consideration and its Consequences:

If an employment contract lacks consideration, it may be deemed unenforceable by a court of law. Without consideration, there is no legally binding agreement between the parties, as there is no exchange of value. In such cases, either party can choose to disregard the terms of the contract without facing legal consequences.

Consequences of a lack of consideration in an employment contract may include:

Inability to enforce the terms of the contract, such as salary payments or benefits.

Difficulty in resolving disputes between the employer and the employee.

Potential legal ramifications if one party seeks to enforce the contract despite the absence of consideration.

Scenarios where consideration might be absent or disputed include:

Unilateral changes to the terms of employment without mutual agreement from both parties.

Promises made by one party without any corresponding obligation from the other party.

Contracts signed under duress or coercion, where one party is forced into an agreement without receiving adequate consideration.

4. Real-World Examples and Case Studies (Optional):

Example 1: In the case of Williams v. Roffey Bros. & Nicholls (Contractors) Ltd, the court ruled that a promise to pay additional money for completing existing contractual obligations could constitute valid consideration, even though there was no new benefit provided by the promisee. This case expanded the traditional understanding of consideration in contract law.

Example 2: In Glasbrook Bros v Glamorgan County Council, the court held that the provision of police services by the county council during a strike constituted valid consideration for the promise of payment by the mining company. This case established that the performance of an existing duty can serve as consideration if it provides a practical benefit to the promisor.

5. Legal Disclaimer:

The information provided in this article is for educational purposes only and should not be construed as legal advice. Employment law varies by jurisdiction, and specific situations may require consultation with a qualified legal professional. Readers are encouraged to seek legal guidance tailored to their individual circumstances.


In conclusion, consideration is a fundamental aspect of employment contracts that ensures mutual obligations between employers and employees. Understanding the types of consideration and its importance can help both parties create valid and enforceable agreements that protect their rights and interests.


What is consideration in contract law in Canada?

Consideration in Canadian contract law refers to something of value exchanged between parties to a contract. It can be money, goods, services, or even a promise to do something or refrain from doing something. Essentially, it’s what each party gives up to make the contract enforceable.

What is the legal impact of consideration in a job offer?

In a job offer, consideration ensures that the contract is legally binding. Both the employer and the employee must provide something of value, such as the promise of work in exchange for compensation, to create a valid contract. Without consideration, the job offer might not be enforceable.

What does fresh consideration mean in contract law?

Fresh consideration in contract law refers to a new element of value added to an existing contract to modify it. This additional consideration is necessary for any changes to the contract to be legally enforceable. It essentially revitalizes the contract, making it valid and binding for the updated terms.


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