Home Knowledge What Is a Common Law Contract of Employment?

What Is a Common Law Contract of Employment?

by Celia

1. Definition and Explanation

In the realm of employment law, a common law contract of employment forms the bedrock of the relationship between an employer and an employee. Unlike a written employment contract, which explicitly outlines terms and conditions, a common law contract is often inferred from the conduct of the parties involved and the circumstances surrounding the employment relationship.


Key Elements of a Common Law Contract:


Offer and Acceptance: The employer offers employment, and the employee accepts it, either expressly or implicitly through actions.


Consideration: Both parties must exchange something of value, typically the employee’s labor for the employer’s payment.

Mutuality of Obligation: Both parties are bound by mutual obligations. The employer agrees to provide work and remuneration, while the employee agrees to perform the duties assigned.

2. Examples and Scenarios

Common scenarios leading to a common law contract of employment include:

Part-time or Casual Work: A person is hired for irregular shifts without a formal written contract.

Temporary Employment: An individual is employed for a fixed term without a written agreement.

Unpaid Internships: Someone works for an organization without a written contract, often in exchange for experience.

Work Performed without a Written Contract: A verbal agreement or understanding leads to employment.

3. Rights and Obligations

Under a common law contract, both employers and employees have certain rights and obligations:

Employer’s Rights and Obligations: These include the right to direct the employee’s work, the obligation to provide a safe working environment, and the responsibility to pay agreed-upon wages.

Employee’s Rights and Obligations: These comprise the right to receive payment for work done, the obligation to perform duties diligently, and the duty to act in the employer’s best interests.

In comparison to a written contract, a common law contract offers flexibility but may lead to ambiguity and disputes. The benefit lies in its adaptability to evolving circumstances, but the risk is uncertainty regarding terms and conditions.

4. Legal Considerations

The treatment of common law contracts of employment varies across jurisdictions. In many common law countries like the UK, Australia, and Canada, the law recognizes and enforces these contracts, with principles established through case law.

For instance, in the UK, the Employment Rights Act 1996 outlines statutory rights for employees, while the common law fills gaps where legislation is silent. Similarly, in Australia, the Fair Work Act 2009 governs employment relationships, but common law principles supplement statutory provisions.

5. Tips and Best Practices

To avoid disputes and ensure clarity in the employment relationship:

Put Agreements in Writing: Even if a common law contract is formed, documenting terms and conditions in writing can prevent misunderstandings.

Seek Legal Advice: Consult legal professionals to understand rights, obligations, and potential pitfalls.

Regularly Review Contracts: Keep contracts updated to reflect changes in employment terms or regulations.

Communication is Key: Maintain open communication between employers and employees to address concerns promptly.


In conclusion, while common law contracts of employment offer flexibility and adaptability, they also pose risks due to their reliance on implied terms. Employers and employees should approach these contracts with caution, seeking legal guidance to ensure compliance with relevant laws and regulations.


What is meant by the common law of contracts?

The common law of contracts refers to legal principles derived from court decisions rather than statutes. It encompasses principles like offer, acceptance, consideration, and intention to create legal relations. These principles guide contract formation and interpretation in common law jurisdictions.

What is common law in employment law in Canada?

In Canadian employment law, common law refers to principles established through court decisions rather than legislation. Common law governs issues such as wrongful dismissal, reasonable notice periods, and implied terms in employment contracts. It provides a framework for resolving disputes between employers and employees.

What is a common law employment contract in Australia?

A common law employment contract in Australia is a legally binding agreement between an employer and an employee that is primarily governed by judge-made law rather than specific statutes. It outlines terms and conditions of employment such as wages, hours, and duties, and is subject to common law principles like good faith and fair dealing.


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