Home Documents Who Writes Up a Purchase Agreement?

Who Writes Up a Purchase Agreement?

by Celia

When engaging in the sale or purchase of a product or service, the creation of a purchase agreement is a critical step. This legal document outlines the terms and conditions of the transaction, ensuring both parties are clear about their obligations and expectations. Crafting such an agreement involves various individuals and entities, each playing a distinct role in the process. In this article, we delve into the intricacies of who writes up a purchase agreement, their responsibilities, and the considerations involved.

1. Defining the Parties Involved


The seller, being the party that offers the product or service, typically drafts the initial version of the purchase agreement. This version outlines the terms they deem favorable and includes key details such as the price, delivery schedule, and any warranties or guarantees. The seller’s primary goal is to create an agreement that protects their interests while also being fair and attractive to potential buyers.


The buyer is the party interested in purchasing the product or service. Upon receiving the initial draft of the purchase agreement, the buyer reviews the terms and conditions. They have the right to propose amendments or modifications to ensure their interests are safeguarded. This review process is crucial, as it allows the buyer to negotiate terms that are more favorable or to clarify any ambiguous points before finalizing the transaction.

Real Estate Agents

In real estate transactions, real estate agents often handle the drafting of purchase agreements. These agents, who act as intermediaries between the buyer and seller, possess specialized knowledge of property transactions and the associated legal requirements. While they can draft and negotiate the terms of the agreement, they typically do not have the legal expertise to provide comprehensive legal advice. Their role is to facilitate a smooth transaction and ensure that both parties agree on the terms.


For complex transactions or high-value purchases, it is advisable to consult an attorney. Attorneys bring legal expertise to the table, ensuring that the purchase agreement is not only comprehensive but also legally sound. They can draft the agreement from scratch or review and amend a draft prepared by the seller or real estate agent. Their involvement is crucial in protecting both parties’ legal interests and ensuring that the agreement adheres to relevant laws and regulations.

Online Resources

In today’s digital age, various websites and platforms offer templates and tools for generating purchase agreements, especially for smaller purchases. These resources provide a cost-effective and efficient way to draft an agreement, though they may lack the customization and legal rigor provided by a professional. These templates can serve as a useful starting point, particularly for straightforward transactions, but users should be cautious and consider professional review for more complex deals.

2. Understanding Roles and Responsibilities

Seller’s Role

The seller is responsible for ensuring that the purchase agreement accurately reflects the terms of the sale. This includes specifying the price, payment terms, delivery details, and any warranties or guarantees. The seller must also ensure that the agreement is clear and comprehensive, reducing the risk of disputes later on. By providing a detailed and fair initial draft, the seller sets a solid foundation for the transaction.

Buyer’s Role

The buyer’s primary responsibility is to carefully review the purchase agreement. This involves understanding all terms and conditions and ensuring that there are no unfavorable clauses. The buyer can negotiate changes or request clarifications before signing the agreement. This due diligence is crucial, as it helps prevent future misunderstandings and ensures that the buyer is fully aware of their obligations and rights under the agreement.

Real Estate Agent’s Role

Real estate agents play a pivotal role in property transactions. They assist in drafting and negotiating the purchase agreement, drawing on their expertise in real estate to ensure that the document is thorough and fair. However, they are not typically qualified to offer legal advice. Their role is to facilitate communication between the buyer and seller, helping both parties reach a mutually acceptable agreement.

Attorney’s Role

Attorneys provide invaluable legal counsel in the drafting and reviewing of purchase agreements. They ensure that the agreement is legally sound and comprehensive, addressing any potential legal pitfalls. Attorneys can protect both parties’ interests by ensuring that the terms of the agreement are clear, fair, and enforceable. For complex transactions, their involvement can be crucial in preventing legal disputes and ensuring compliance with all relevant laws and regulations.

3. Providing Options and Considerations

Using a Template

For simpler transactions, using a template can be a cost-effective and efficient option. Numerous online resources offer both free and paid templates that can serve as a starting point for drafting a purchase agreement. These templates cover essential clauses and can be customized to suit the specific needs of the transaction. However, users should be aware of the limitations of these templates and consider professional review to ensure the agreement is legally sound.

Hiring an Attorney

Hiring an attorney to draft or review a purchase agreement can provide significant benefits, particularly for complex transactions. Attorneys have the expertise to ensure that the agreement is comprehensive, clear, and enforceable. They can also provide valuable advice on negotiating terms and addressing potential legal issues. While this option may be more costly, the investment can prevent costly disputes and ensure a smoother transaction.

Negotiating with the Seller

Negotiation is a critical part of the purchase agreement process. Buyers should thoroughly review the agreement and be prepared to negotiate terms that are not favorable or clear. This process involves open communication with the seller to reach a mutually acceptable agreement. It’s important to approach negotiations professionally and with a clear understanding of one’s needs and limitations.


Writing up a purchase agreement is a critical step in any transaction, requiring careful attention to detail and an understanding of the roles and responsibilities of all parties involved. Whether you are a seller, buyer, real estate agent, or attorney, each role is essential in ensuring a fair and legally sound agreement. While templates and online resources can provide a useful starting point, professional legal assistance is often necessary for more complex transactions to safeguard the interests of both parties and ensure compliance with relevant laws and regulations. By understanding the process and the key considerations involved, you can navigate the creation of a purchase agreement with confidence and clarity.


Who drafts the share purchase agreement?


The share purchase agreement is typically drafted by the legal counsel of the buyer or the seller, depending on who initiates the transaction. If the buyer is the initiator, their legal team will usually prepare the initial draft. Conversely, if the seller is taking the lead, their legal counsel will handle the drafting. Regardless of who drafts the initial agreement, both parties’ legal representatives will review and negotiate the terms to ensure their client’s interests are adequately protected before finalizing the document.


Who drafts the stock purchase agreement?


The stock purchase agreement is generally drafted by the buyer’s legal counsel. This allows the buyer to outline the terms and conditions they deem necessary for the acquisition. The seller’s legal counsel will then review the draft, negotiate any changes, and ensure the agreement is fair and compliant with applicable laws. Both parties’ legal teams work collaboratively through this process to finalize an agreement that reflects the negotiated terms and protects both the buyer’s and seller’s interests.

Who signs stock purchase agreement?

The stock purchase agreement is signed by the authorized representatives of both the buyer and the seller. Typically, these representatives are senior executives or officers who have the authority to enter into binding agreements on behalf of their respective companies. The signing of the agreement signifies that both parties agree to the terms and conditions outlined in the document. Additionally, the presence of witnesses or notaries might be required depending on the jurisdiction to ensure the validity and enforceability of the agreement.


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