Home Knowledge Resignation from Unlimited Contracts: Legal Obligations & Practical Considerations

Resignation from Unlimited Contracts: Legal Obligations & Practical Considerations

by Celia

Understanding Unlimited Contracts

An unlimited contract, also known as an open-ended contract, is a type of employment agreement wherein the duration of the contract is not fixed. Instead, it continues indefinitely until terminated by either party according to the terms specified in the contract or by applicable labor laws. Unlimited contracts are common in many countries and regions around the world, including the United Arab Emirates (UAE), where they are prevalent in the private sector.

Relevant Labor Laws

In the UAE, labor laws govern various aspects of the employment relationship, including resignation from unlimited contracts. The UAE Labor Law, Federal Law No. 8 of 1980, as amended, outlines the rights and obligations of both employers and employees. Under this law, employees are entitled to resign from their jobs, provided they adhere to the notice period specified in their employment contract or as mandated by law.

Contractual Obligations

In unlimited contracts, certain clauses govern resignation, notice periods, probation periods, and termination. These clauses are crucial to understand before contemplating resignation:

Notice Period: Most unlimited contracts stipulate a notice period that both the employer and employee must provide before terminating the contract. This notice period typically ranges from 30 to 90 days, depending on the terms agreed upon in the contract or as per labor law requirements.

Probation Period: Many employment contracts include a probationary period during which either party can terminate the contract without notice. However, once this period expires, the notice period usually comes into effect.

Termination Clauses: Unlimited contracts may contain specific clauses detailing the circumstances under which the contract can be terminated, such as performance issues, misconduct, or redundancy. It’s essential to review these clauses to understand the grounds for termination and any associated consequences.

Practical Considerations

Consequences of Early Resignation

Resigning from an unlimited contract before completing the agreed-upon notice period can have various consequences:

Breach of Contract: Resigning without providing the required notice may constitute a breach of contract, exposing the resigning party to potential legal action or financial penalties.

Legal Action: The employer may pursue legal action to recover damages resulting from the early resignation, such as recruitment costs or loss of business opportunities.

Financial Penalties: Some contracts may include provisions for financial penalties or forfeiture of benefits in the event of early resignation without sufficient notice.

Notice Period Requirements

Employees intending to resign from an unlimited contract must adhere to the notice period specified in their employment contract or as mandated by labor laws. Failure to provide adequate notice may result in repercussions, as outlined above.

Potential Impact on Future Employment

Resigning from an unlimited contract prematurely may raise concerns for future job prospects:

Negative Perceptions: Prospective employers may view early resignation unfavorably, perceiving it as a lack of commitment or reliability.

Mitigating Strategies: To mitigate potential negative perceptions, emphasize reasons for resignation in a professional manner during job interviews. Highlight skills, experiences, and achievements gained during the employment period to demonstrate value to potential employers.

Best Practices

Communication and Professionalism

When resigning from an unlimited contract, effective communication and professionalism are paramount:

Notification: Inform the employer of the resignation decision in writing, adhering to the notice period specified in the contract.

Respectful Conduct: Maintain a respectful and cooperative attitude throughout the resignation process, facilitating a smooth transition for both parties.

Negotiation and Settlement

Consider negotiation strategies to minimize adverse consequences or reach a mutually agreeable settlement:

Discussion of Options: Explore alternative solutions with the employer, such as adjusting the notice period or settling any outstanding issues amicably.

Settlement Agreement: In some cases, parties may opt to enter into a settlement agreement to resolve any disputes arising from the resignation, outlining terms and conditions mutually acceptable to both parties.

Seek Legal Advice

Given the legal complexities surrounding resignation from unlimited contracts, it is advisable to seek legal advice from qualified professionals:

Legal Consultation: Consult with labor law experts or employment lawyers to understand rights, obligations, and potential legal implications associated with resignation.

Alternatives to Resignation

Consider alternative options before resigning from an unlimited contract:

Open Communication: Discuss concerns with the employer and explore potential solutions within the existing employment relationship, such as a change in roles or responsibilities to address issues prompting the resignation consideration.

Leave of Absence: In certain circumstances, taking a temporary leave of absence may provide the necessary time to address personal matters or pursue other opportunities without severing the employment relationship.


In conclusion, navigating resignation from an unlimited contract requires a comprehensive understanding of legal obligations, contractual provisions, and practical considerations. By adhering to notice period requirements, maintaining professionalism, exploring negotiation options, and seeking legal advice when necessary, individuals can minimize the potential negative impact of early resignation and pursue future career opportunities effectively.


Can I terminate my contract after 6 months?


It depends on the terms of your contract. Some contracts allow termination with notice after a certain period, while others may require fulfilling the full term. Review your contract and consult with your employer or legal advisor for clarity.


Can I quit a 6 month contract?


Quitting a 6-month contract typically depends on the contract terms and applicable laws. Generally, you can resign from a contract position, but there may be consequences outlined in the agreement, such as financial penalties or damage to professional reputation. Evaluate your contract and circumstances before making a decision.

Can I resign in 6 months?

Resigning from a job within 6 months is feasible, but consider potential consequences. Evaluate the terms of your contract, notice period, and any penalties for early termination. Additionally, consider the impact on your professional reputation and future job prospects. Make an informed decision after thorough consideration.


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