Home Knowledge What Does for Cause Termination Mean?

What Does for Cause Termination Mean?

by Celia

Clear and Concise Definition:

For cause termination, also known as termination for cause or dismissal for cause, refers to the termination of an employment contract due to an employee’s actions or behavior that violate company policies, employment agreements, or legal standards. Unlike other forms of termination, such as layoffs or resignations, for cause termination occurs when an employee’s actions warrant immediate dismissal without severance pay.

To put it simply, for cause termination happens when an employee does something seriously wrong that directly violates the terms of their employment. This could include things like stealing, lying, consistently failing to do their job properly, or engaging in illegal activities. It’s like getting fired for breaking the rules in a way that’s serious enough to warrant immediate action.

Differentiating for cause termination from other types of employment termination is crucial. While for cause termination is based on specific actions or behaviors of the employee, other types of termination, such as layoffs or resignations, may occur due to reasons unrelated to employee misconduct or poor performance.

Comprehensive List of Examples:


Theft: Stealing company property, including money, equipment, or intellectual property.

Dishonesty: Providing false information to employers, clients, or colleagues.

Violence: Engaging in physical altercations or threats of violence in the workplace.

Harassment: Discriminatory behavior, sexual harassment, bullying, or creating a hostile work environment.

Insubordination: Refusing to follow instructions from supervisors or disregarding company policies.

Poor Performance:

Consistent failure to meet job requirements: Repeated inability to perform duties outlined in the job description.

Documented warnings: Previous warnings or performance evaluations highlighting deficiencies that remain unaddressed.

Breach of Contract:

Violating company policy: Breaking rules outlined in the employee handbook or code of conduct.

Confidentiality agreements: Sharing sensitive information with unauthorized individuals.

Non-compete clauses: Working for a competitor or engaging in activities that directly compete with the employer’s business.

Illegal Activity:

Engaging in criminal activity on or off the job: Arrest or conviction for offenses that impact the employee’s ability to perform their job or reflect negatively on the employer’s reputation.

Legal Implications and Rights:

For cause termination can have significant legal implications for both employers and employees.

Eligibility for Unemployment Benefits:

Eligibility for unemployment benefits varies by location and is often contingent on the reason for termination. In many cases, employees terminated for cause may be ineligible for unemployment benefits due to the nature of their dismissal.

Future Job Applications:

Background checks: Employers may conduct background checks that reveal previous terminations for cause, which could impact future job opportunities.

Explaining termination: Candidates may be required to explain the circumstances of their termination during job interviews, potentially affecting their prospects.

Potential Legal Options:

Unjust or illegal termination: Employees who believe their termination was unjust or illegal may explore legal options, such as wrongful termination lawsuits or filing complaints with labor authorities.


In summary, for cause termination is the result of serious misconduct, poor performance, breach of contract, or engagement in illegal activities by an employee. It differs from other types of termination by its immediate nature and lack of severance pay. Understanding the reasons and legal implications of for cause termination is essential for both employers and employees to navigate the complexities of employment relationships.


What happens if you are terminated with cause?


Termination with cause means your employment is ended due to a significant violation of company policy or serious misconduct. This usually results in losing benefits like severance pay and may impact future job prospects.


What are the three types of termination?


The three types of termination are termination for cause, termination without cause, and voluntary termination.

Which of the following is a definition for termination for cause?

Termination for cause is when an employee is dismissed due to serious misconduct or a significant violation of company policy, resulting in the loss of benefits and potentially impacting future job opportunities.


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