Home News Pillar Two in Luxembourg: a game changer for accountants

Pillar Two in Luxembourg: a game changer for accountants

by Celia

The implementation of Pillar Two in Luxembourg has significant implications for accountants, requiring a deep understanding of taxation principles, consolidation requirements, and accounting frameworks. Here’s a breakdown of the key points discussed in the article:


Scoping and Consolidation Requirements: Pillar Two calculations are based on consolidated financial statements. Accountants play a crucial role in clarifying consolidation requirements and exemptions under Luxembourg Accounting law, determining entities for line-by-line consolidation, and calculating turnover thresholds.


Top-Up Tax and Deferred Taxes: Accountants collaborate with tax specialists to compute adjusted covered taxes, focusing on deferred taxes to identify adjustments related to excluded items, valuation allowances, and unrecognized deferred tax assets. The Qualified Domestic Top-Up Tax (QDMTT) computation depends on the financial accounting standard applicable in Luxembourg.


Qualifying Income and Accounting Adjustments: Accountants assist in tracing and applying specific accounting adjustments to derive net qualifying income or loss for each Constituent Entity. These adjustments involve excluding equity gains or losses, adjusting errors, and accounting for changes in accounting principles.

Disclosures Requirements: The International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) introduced disclosure requirements for entities under Pillar Two, necessitating disclosure of information related to Pillar Two-related tax responsibilities in financial statements.

In conclusion, the Pillar Two Law represents a paradigm shift for accountants in Luxembourg, requiring them to integrate tax accounting considerations into their processes. Training tax accountants and establishing robust data collection processes are essential for compliance with Pillar Two requirements.

To delve deeper into these changes and their implications, a webinar titled “Pillar Two in Luxembourg: A Game-Changer for Accountants” is scheduled for June 12, 2024. This event aims to provide further insights into the impact of Pillar Two on accounting practices in Luxembourg.


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