Home laws and regulations How Many Times Can You Get Married in Oklahoma?

How Many Times Can You Get Married in Oklahoma?

by Celia

Marriage is a profound commitment and a legal contract that carries significant implications. For those residing in Oklahoma or considering marriage in the state, understanding the laws and practical considerations is crucial. This article provides a comprehensive guide on Oklahoma’s marriage laws, the practical considerations involved in multiple marriages, and helpful resources for those navigating the legal landscape.

Oklahoma’s Marriage Laws

No Limit on Marriages

In Oklahoma, there is no legal limit on the number of times a person can get married. The state does not impose a cap on the number of marriages one can enter into, allowing individuals the freedom to marry as many times as they choose over their lifetime. However, it is essential to comply with specific legal requirements before entering into a new marriage.

Previous Marriages

Before a person can enter into a new marriage, they must be legally divorced or widowed from any previous marriages. This means that even though there is no limit to the number of times one can marry, each previous marriage must be legally concluded before a new one can begin.

Divorce: A divorce must be finalized and legally recognized. Until the divorce decree is issued by a court, the individuals involved are still considered legally married.

Widowhood: If a spouse has passed away, the surviving partner is considered legally single and free to remarry once the death certificate is obtained and the necessary paperwork is processed.


There may be exceptions for specific circumstances, such as annulments. An annulment is a legal procedure that declares a marriage null and void, as if it never occurred. Grounds for annulment can include fraud, incapacity, or underage marriage without proper consent.

Practical Considerations

Legal Consequences

Attempting to marry while still legally married to another person constitutes bigamy, which is illegal and punishable by law. Bigamy can result in severe legal consequences, including:

Criminal Charges: Bigamy is considered a felony in Oklahoma, and those convicted may face significant fines and imprisonment.

Nullification of the Second Marriage: The subsequent marriage may be deemed invalid, leaving the individuals involved in a legal and personal predicament.

Complicated Divorce Proceedings: If one party is found to be committing bigamy, it can complicate divorce proceedings, impacting settlements and custody arrangements.

Emotional Impact

Multiple marriages can be emotionally complex and might require careful consideration. Individuals should think about the potential emotional toll on themselves, their partners, and their families. Factors to consider include:

Emotional Stability: Entering into a new marriage too soon after a divorce or widowhood can be emotionally challenging and might not provide enough time for healing.

Family Dynamics: Multiple marriages can affect relationships with children, extended family, and even social circles.

Personal Growth: Reflecting on past relationships can offer insights and growth opportunities, helping to build healthier future marriages.

Helpful Resources

Navigating the legal landscape of marriage in Oklahoma can be simplified with the right resources:

Oklahoma Department of Vital Records: The official website provides comprehensive information on obtaining marriage licenses, filing for divorce, and accessing vital records.

Legal Professionals: Consulting with an attorney can provide personalized legal advice regarding marriage laws in Oklahoma. Legal professionals can help navigate divorce proceedings, annulments, and other legal matters related to marriage.

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In conclusion, while Oklahoma law does not limit the number of times a person can marry, it is crucial to ensure all previous marriages are legally concluded before entering into a new one. Considering the legal and emotional implications of multiple marriages and utilizing available resources can help individuals make informed decisions. Whether you’re navigating divorce, widowhood, or contemplating another marriage, understanding these aspects is key to maintaining legal compliance and personal well-being.


Is there a limit to the number of times you can get married?


There is no legal limit to the number of times you can get married in the United States. An individual can marry as many times as they choose, provided each previous marriage has been legally dissolved either through divorce, annulment, or the death of a spouse. The laws primarily focus on ensuring that one is not married to multiple people at the same time, as bigamy is illegal. Each new marriage must comply with state laws regarding the dissolution of prior marriages.


How long after you get divorced can you get married in Oklahoma?


In Oklahoma, there is a mandatory waiting period of six months after a divorce before one can legally remarry. This waiting period is intended to provide time for any appeals or reconciliations. If a person remarries before this period is over, the new marriage is considered void. Therefore, it is crucial to observe this waiting period to ensure the legality of any subsequent marriage.

How many times can you legally get married in the United States?

Legally, there is no cap on the number of times a person can get married in the United States. The primary legal requirement is that each previous marriage must be properly ended before entering into a new one. This can be done through divorce, annulment, or the death of a spouse. As long as each previous marriage is legally terminated, an individual is free to marry again without any legal restrictions on the number of times they can do so.


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