Home Knowledge Can You Get a Marriage License Online in South Carolina?

Can You Get a Marriage License Online in South Carolina?

by Celia

In South Carolina, obtaining a marriage license is a crucial step for couples planning to tie the knot. While many processes have moved online in the digital age, the issuance of marriage licenses in this state remains a primarily in-person affair. This article explores the detailed process of obtaining a marriage license in South Carolina, including requirements, locations, fees, waiting periods, and validity, while also addressing why online applications are not available.

1. Clear and Concise Answer:

State definitively whether or not marriage licenses can be obtained online in SC. (In this case, the answer is no.) Marriage licenses cannot be obtained online in South Carolina. The process requires an in-person visit to a county probate court or similar authority.

Online applications for marriage licenses are not available primarily due to legal requirements that necessitate the physical presence of applicants. These requirements often include the need for presenting original documents, such as birth certificates and identification, which need to be verified by court personnel. Additionally, in-person interviews may be required to ensure both parties meet eligibility criteria and understand the legal implications of marriage. Lastly, signatures from both applicants and sometimes witnesses are typically required in person to finalize the application process.

2. Detailed Information on the Traditional Process:

Requirements: To apply for a marriage license in South Carolina, couples must provide the following:

Valid photo identification (such as a driver’s license or passport).

Original or certified copy of birth certificates.

Proof of residency (not always required, but advisable to bring).

If applicable, divorce decrees or death certificates of previous spouses.

Locations: Marriage licenses are issued by the probate court in each county. Couples must apply in person at the probate court located in the county where either the bride or groom resides.

Fees: The cost of a marriage license in South Carolina varies by county but generally ranges from $50 to $70. Some counties may accept payment in cash only, so it’s important to verify acceptable payment methods beforehand.

Waiting Period: There is no waiting period between applying for and receiving a marriage license in South Carolina. Once issued, the license is effective immediately.

Validity: A marriage license issued in South Carolina is valid for 90 days. This means the marriage ceremony must be conducted within this timeframe or the license expires.

3. Helpful Tips and Advice:

Prepare Required Documents: Gather all necessary documents ahead of time, including valid identification, birth certificates, and any divorce decrees or death certificates if applicable.

Schedule an Appointment: While appointments may not always be required, calling ahead to confirm operating hours and any specific requirements can save time and prevent unnecessary trips.

Contact the County Courthouse: Since procedures and fees may vary slightly between counties, contacting the probate court directly ensures you have the most accurate information for your marriage license application.

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In conclusion, while obtaining a marriage license in South Carolina requires an in-person visit to a county probate court, the process is straightforward as long as you come prepared with the necessary documents and information. By following the guidelines outlined and utilizing the resources provided, couples can navigate the process smoothly and ensure their marriage is legally recognized in the state of South Carolina.


Can you get a marriage certificate online in South Carolina?


Marriage certificates in South Carolina are not available online. After the marriage ceremony, you must apply for a marriage certificate in person or by mail from the county probate court where the marriage license was issued.


Can you get married in South Carolina without being a resident?


Yes, you do not need to be a resident of South Carolina to marry there. Both residents and non-residents can apply for a marriage license. However, you must apply in person at the county probate court and meet all other requirements set by the state.

Can you get a Tennessee marriage license online?

No, Tennessee does not currently offer the option to obtain a marriage license online. You must apply for a marriage license in person at any county clerk’s office in Tennessee. Both parties must be present and provide necessary documentation to complete the application process.


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