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Can We Resign Immediately After Joining?

by Celia


Can you resign immediately after joining a new job? Yes, you can resign immediately after joining a new job. However, this action comes with various considerations and potential consequences. Understanding the legal, professional, and practical implications of immediate resignation is crucial. This article will explore these aspects in detail, providing a comprehensive guide for those considering such a decision.


Legal Implications

The legality of resigning immediately after joining depends on several factors, including your employment contract, local labor laws, and company policies. Generally, employment contracts include a notice period clause, specifying how much notice you must give before resigning. If you resign without providing the required notice, you may be in breach of your contract.


Employment Contract: Review your employment contract carefully. It usually outlines the terms of resignation, including the required notice period. Some contracts may have a probationary period during which either party can terminate the employment with shorter notice or even immediately.


Labor Laws: Local labor laws also play a significant role. In some jurisdictions, employers are required to honor a specific notice period. However, during the probationary period, these requirements may be more flexible. Understanding your local labor laws can help you navigate the resignation process legally.

Company Policies: Company policies on resignation can vary. Some companies may be more lenient, especially during the initial stages of employment, while others may have strict policies. It is important to understand your company’s specific policies to avoid any potential conflicts.

Professional Considerations

Resigning immediately after joining a new job can have significant professional repercussions. It can impact your reputation, future job prospects, and relationships with colleagues and employers.

Reputation: Immediate resignation can affect your professional reputation. Future employers may view it negatively, questioning your commitment and reliability. It is important to consider how this decision might be perceived in your industry.

References: Employers often seek references from previous employers. Resigning immediately can result in a negative reference, which may hinder your chances of securing future employment. Maintaining a good relationship with your employer, even if you decide to leave, is crucial.

Networking: Your colleagues and supervisors form part of your professional network. Immediate resignation can strain these relationships, potentially affecting your networking opportunities and career growth. Building and maintaining positive professional relationships is essential for long-term career success.

Practical Considerations

Beyond the legal and professional implications, there are practical aspects to consider when resigning immediately after joining a new job.

Financial Stability: Ensure you have a financial plan in place. Resigning immediately may result in a lack of income until you find a new job. Evaluate your financial situation and have a backup plan to cover your expenses during the transition period.

Job Search: Finding a new job can take time. Assess the job market and your prospects before making a decision. Consider whether you have other job offers or opportunities lined up.

Health and Well-being: Consider the impact on your mental and physical health. Starting a new job can be stressful, and immediate resignation might add to that stress. Evaluate whether the reasons for your resignation justify the potential stress and uncertainty.

Reasons for Immediate Resignation

There can be several reasons why you might consider resigning immediately after joining a new job. Understanding these reasons can help you make an informed decision.

Mismatch of Expectations: Sometimes, the job may not match the expectations set during the hiring process. If the role, responsibilities, or work environment differ significantly from what was promised, you may feel justified in resigning.

Unethical Practices: If you encounter unethical practices, illegal activities, or a toxic work environment, immediate resignation might be the best option for your integrity and well-being.

Better Opportunity: You might receive a better job offer shortly after joining a new company. If the new opportunity aligns better with your career goals and offers better benefits, immediate resignation could be considered.

Personal Reasons: Personal circumstances, such as health issues, family obligations, or relocation, might necessitate immediate resignation. It is important to prioritize your well-being and personal needs.

See Also: Resignation vs. Termination: What is the Difference?

How to Resign Professionally

If you decide to resign immediately, doing so professionally is crucial. Here are steps to ensure a smooth and respectful resignation process:

Review Your Contract: Before taking any action, review your employment contract to understand the notice period and any potential penalties for early resignation.

Prepare a Resignation Letter: Write a formal resignation letter. Be concise and professional, stating your intention to resign and your reasons if you feel comfortable sharing them. Express gratitude for the opportunity and offer to help with the transition.

Notify Your Employer: Schedule a meeting with your supervisor or HR department to discuss your resignation. Deliver your resignation letter in person if possible. Be honest and respectful in your explanation.

Follow Company Procedures: Adhere to any company-specific procedures for resignation. This might include completing exit interviews, returning company property, and fulfilling any remaining responsibilities.

Maintain Professionalism: Even if you are resigning immediately, maintain professionalism throughout the process. Avoid burning bridges, as you never know when you might cross paths with colleagues or employers in the future.

Potential Consequences

Immediate resignation can have consequences beyond the professional realm. Being aware of these can help you make a more informed decision.

Legal Consequences: If you breach your contract by not providing the required notice, your employer may have the right to withhold any owed salary or take legal action. It is important to understand these potential consequences.

Career Impact: Your career trajectory might be affected. Immediate resignation can leave a gap in your employment history, which you will need to explain to future employers. Being prepared to address this in interviews is crucial.

Personal Impact: The decision to resign immediately can impact your personal life. The stress of job searching, financial instability, and the uncertainty of finding new employment can take a toll. Consider your support system and resources before making the decision.


Can you resign immediately after joining a new job? Yes, but it is important to consider the legal, professional, and practical implications. Reviewing your contract, understanding local labor laws, and considering your professional reputation are essential steps. If you decide to resign, doing so professionally and respectfully can help mitigate potential negative consequences. Ultimately, the decision should be based on your personal circumstances, well-being, and career goals.


What should I include in my resignation letter if I resign immediately after joining?

Include a concise statement of your intention to resign, the reason for your resignation if you feel comfortable sharing it, and an expression of gratitude for the opportunity. Offer to assist with the transition if possible.

Can my employer take legal action if I resign immediately after joining?

If you breach your contract by not providing the required notice, your employer may have the right to withhold owed salary or take legal action. Review your contract and understand potential legal consequences before making a decision.

How can I explain immediate resignation to future employers during job interviews?

Be honest and concise in your explanation. Focus on the positive aspects of the experience and what you learned. Emphasize that the decision was based on a mismatch of expectations, better opportunities, or personal reasons, and highlight your commitment to finding the right long-term fit.


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