Home Common Sense Which Country Has the Highest Divorce Rate?

Which Country Has the Highest Divorce Rate?

by Celia

The question of which country has the highest divorce rate is both straightforward and complex, reflecting a variety of social, economic, and legal factors. As of the most recent global statistics, the country with the highest divorce rate is the Maldives. This article will explore why the Maldives holds this position, discuss the broader implications of high divorce rates, and examine how various countries handle divorce.


The Maldives: Highest Divorce Rate

The Maldives, an island nation in the Indian Ocean, has the highest divorce rate in the world. According to various reports, the divorce rate in the Maldives is approximately 10.97 divorces per 1,000 people per year. This figure is significantly higher than in other countries and warrants an in-depth look at the contributing factors.


Cultural and Legal Factors in the Maldives

Several cultural and legal factors contribute to the high divorce rate in the Maldives:


Cultural Norms: In the Maldives, it is culturally acceptable to marry and divorce multiple times. The practice of polygamy is also more common, and societal attitudes toward divorce are more permissive.

Legal Ease: The legal process for divorce in the Maldives is relatively simple and quick. Islamic law, which governs personal status matters, allows men to divorce their wives by verbally stating their intention. Women can also initiate divorce, though the process may be more cumbersome.

Social and Economic Factors: Economic pressures, changes in social expectations, and the stress of living in a small, densely populated area can contribute to marital instability. Additionally, the tourism-driven economy of the Maldives may influence family dynamics and stability.

High Divorce Rates in Other Countries

While the Maldives has the highest divorce rate, several other countries also experience high rates of divorce. These include:

Russia: Russia has one of the highest divorce rates globally, with approximately 4.7 divorces per 1,000 people. Economic instability, alcohol abuse, and social factors contribute to high marital dissolution rates.

Belarus: Belarus follows closely with a divorce rate of around 4.1 per 1,000 people. Similar to Russia, factors such as economic conditions and social norms play a role.

United States: The United States has a high divorce rate, though it has declined in recent years. The current rate is about 2.7 per 1,000 people. Factors include changes in societal attitudes toward marriage and divorce, economic pressures, and legal accessibility.

Sweden: Sweden also has a high divorce rate, around 2.5 per 1,000 people. Progressive social policies, gender equality, and legal ease of obtaining a divorce contribute to these statistics.

Factors Influencing Divorce Rates

Understanding why divorce rates are high in certain countries involves looking at a range of factors:

Economic Conditions: Economic stress can strain marriages, leading to higher divorce rates. Conversely, economic stability can provide a supportive environment for maintaining marriages.

Cultural Attitudes: Societal norms and values significantly influence divorce rates. Cultures that view divorce as acceptable or even normative tend to have higher rates.

Legal Framework: The ease with which a divorce can be obtained legally affects divorce rates. Countries with straightforward, accessible divorce processes generally see higher rates of marital dissolution.

Social Policies: Social policies, such as those supporting gender equality and providing social safety nets, can impact divorce rates. For instance, in countries where women have greater financial independence, divorce rates might be higher.

Religious Influences: In many societies, religion plays a critical role in marital stability. Religions that discourage divorce tend to have lower divorce rates among their adherents.

See Also: Why Is Divorce So Expensive in UK

Legal Processes of Divorce in High-Rate Countries

Each country has unique legal processes governing divorce, which influence its rate:

Maldives: Divorce under Islamic law is relatively straightforward for men, who can initiate a divorce by stating their intention. Women can also seek divorce, but the process may be more complex.

Russia: Divorce in Russia can be granted by mutual consent through a civil court. When there are children or disputes over property, the process can become more complicated and time-consuming.

United States: The U.S. has a no-fault divorce system in many states, allowing couples to divorce without proving wrongdoing. Legal procedures can vary widely by state, influencing the ease and speed of the process.

Sweden: Sweden has a streamlined divorce process, often requiring only a simple application to a district court. No-fault divorce is common, and the legal framework supports gender equality.

Impact of High Divorce Rates

High divorce rates have broad social, economic, and legal implications:

Social Impact: High divorce rates can affect societal norms and family structures. Children of divorced parents may face emotional and psychological challenges, and the prevalence of single-parent households can increase.

Economic Impact: Divorce often has significant economic consequences for both parties. Legal fees, division of assets, and the financial strain of maintaining separate households can be substantial.

Legal Impact: High divorce rates place demands on legal systems, necessitating efficient processes and resources to handle the volume of cases. Family law practitioners and courts must adapt to changing trends.

Addressing High Divorce Rates

Countries with high divorce rates can implement policies and programs to support marital stability:

Counseling and Mediation Services: Providing access to marriage counseling and mediation can help couples resolve conflicts and strengthen their relationships.

Economic Support: Economic assistance programs can alleviate financial stress, reducing one of the common causes of marital breakdown.

Education and Awareness: Public education campaigns on the benefits of strong marriages and the impact of divorce on families can influence societal attitudes and behaviors.

Legal Reforms: Streamlining divorce processes to make them fair and efficient, while also providing opportunities for reconciliation and mediation, can help manage high divorce rates.


The Maldives currently holds the highest divorce rate globally, influenced by cultural, legal, and social factors. Other countries with high divorce rates, such as Russia, Belarus, and the United States, share common influences like economic conditions and societal norms. Understanding these factors can help address the challenges associated with high divorce rates and support marital stability. Legal and policy reforms, combined with social support programs, can mitigate the negative impacts of high divorce rates on individuals, families, and societies.


Which country has the highest divorce rate?

The Maldives has the highest divorce rate in the world, with approximately 10.97 divorces per 1,000 people per year.

What factors contribute to high divorce rates?

High divorce rates are influenced by economic conditions, cultural attitudes, legal frameworks, social policies, and religious influences.

How can countries address high divorce rates?

Countries can implement policies such as marriage counseling, economic support, public education campaigns, and legal reforms to support marital stability and reduce divorce rates.


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