Home laws and regulations How Do You Write An Operating Agreement?

How Do You Write An Operating Agreement?

by Celia

An Operating Agreement is a foundational document for any Limited Liability Company (LLC), outlining the management structure, operational procedures, and member responsibilities. It serves as the backbone of an LLC’s governance, ensuring clarity and consistency in decision-making and operations. Crafting a well-thought-out Operating Agreement is crucial for preventing disputes and ensuring smooth operation, particularly in the absence of a formal corporate structure.


In this article, we will explore the essential elements of an Operating Agreement, the process of drafting one, and key considerations to keep in mind. By the end of this guide, you will have a thorough understanding of how to create an effective Operating Agreement tailored to your LLC’s specific needs.



What is an Operating Agreement?

An Operating Agreement is a legal document that outlines the internal operations of an LLC according to the members’ wishes. It details the management structure, financial arrangements, and operational procedures, and it is typically used to:


Define Management Roles: Specify the roles and responsibilities of the members and managers.

Establish Financial Arrangements: Outline how profits and losses will be allocated, and how capital contributions will be handled.

Set Decision-Making Procedures: Define the processes for making major decisions, including voting rights and procedures.

Provide Dispute Resolution Mechanisms: Offer guidelines for resolving conflicts among members.

Outline Exit Strategies: Include provisions for the withdrawal of members and the transfer of ownership interests.

Legal Importance of an Operating Agreement

While not all states legally require an LLC to have an Operating Agreement, having one is highly recommended. It provides a structured approach to managing the company and can protect members from potential legal disputes. Furthermore, an Operating Agreement helps to:

Prevent Default Rules: States have default rules governing LLCs if an Operating Agreement is not in place. An Operating Agreement allows members to customize their own rules, which can be more beneficial for the specific needs of the LLC.

Clarify Member Expectations: Clearly delineating roles and responsibilities can prevent misunderstandings and conflicts among members.

Enhance Professionalism: Having a formal agreement in place lends credibility and professionalism to the LLC.

See also: What Is Operating Agreement for Corporation: A Quick Guide

Drafting an Operating Agreement

1. Define the Structure of the LLC

Identify the Members and Their Roles

The Operating Agreement should start by identifying all members of the LLC and outlining their roles and responsibilities. This includes:

Ownership Percentage: Define each member’s ownership percentage in the LLC.

Management Structure: Specify whether the LLC will be member-managed or manager-managed.

Designate Management Powers

Member-Managed LLC: In a member-managed LLC, all members participate in the day-to-day operations of the business. The Operating Agreement should outline the extent of each member’s authority and decision-making power.

Manager-Managed LLC: In a manager-managed LLC, members appoint one or more managers to handle daily operations. The Operating Agreement should specify the powers and duties of the managers.

2. Outline Financial Arrangements

Capital Contributions

Detail how much each member will contribute to the LLC, including both initial and future contributions. Specify whether contributions are monetary, property, or services, and outline how these contributions affect each member’s ownership interest.

Profit and Loss Distribution

Describe how profits and losses will be distributed among members. This can be in proportion to their ownership interests or as otherwise agreed upon.


Set guidelines for how and when distributions will be made to members. This includes outlining the procedure for making distributions and any conditions that must be met before distributions are made.

3. Establish Decision-Making Procedures

 Voting Rights

Specify the voting rights of each member or manager. This includes the percentage of votes required to approve major decisions and the process for calling and conducting votes.

 Major Decisions

Define which decisions require a vote and which can be made by management. This typically includes decisions such as amendments to the Operating Agreement, dissolution of the LLC, and entering into significant contracts.

4. Provide for Dispute Resolution

Dispute Resolution Mechanisms

Include provisions for resolving disputes among members. This can involve:

Negotiation and Mediation: Establish procedures for informal resolution, such as negotiation and mediation.

Arbitration: Specify whether disputes will be resolved through arbitration and the process for selecting an arbitrator.

Legal Remedies

Outline the legal remedies available to members in case of a breach of the Operating Agreement or other disputes.

5. Include Provisions for Membership Changes

Transfer of Membership Interests

Detail the process for transferring ownership interests, including:

Approval Requirements: Specify whether transfers require the consent of other members.

Right of First Refusal: Provide existing members with the right of first refusal if a member wishes to sell their interest.

 Withdrawal or Death of a Member

Address how the LLC will handle the withdrawal or death of a member. This includes:

Buyout Provisions: Establish a method for valuing and purchasing the departing member’s interest.

Succession Planning: Outline how the LLC will manage the interests of a deceased member.

6. Drafting the Agreement

Legal Compliance

Ensure that the Operating Agreement complies with state laws. While the specifics can vary by state, it is crucial to adhere to any mandatory provisions.

Review and Revision

Regularly review and update the Operating Agreement to reflect changes in the LLC’s operations or membership. This includes:

Amendments: Outline the process for amending the Operating Agreement.

Periodic Reviews: Schedule periodic reviews to ensure the agreement remains relevant and effective.


An Operating Agreement is a critical document for the successful management and operation of an LLC. It provides clarity, prevents disputes, and ensures that the business is run according to the members’ wishes. By addressing key aspects such as management structure, financial arrangements, decision-making procedures, and dispute resolution, you can create a comprehensive agreement that serves your LLC’s needs.

Drafting an Operating Agreement requires careful consideration and, often, legal expertise. It is advisable to consult with an attorney experienced in LLC formations to ensure that your Operating Agreement meets all legal requirements and accurately reflects the intentions of the members.

By investing the time and effort to craft a thorough Operating Agreement, you are setting your LLC up for long-term success and stability.


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