Home Common Sense What Countries Marry Their Cousins?

What Countries Marry Their Cousins?

by Celia

Cousin marriage refers to unions between individuals who share a common ancestor, typically a grandparent. The practice of marrying cousins has existed for centuries and is still common in many parts of the world today. According to research, over 10% of marriages globally involve first or second cousins. The acceptance and prevalence of cousin marriage vary significantly by region, religion, and socio-economic status.


This article will provide a detailed examination of the countries where cousin marriages are common, the cultural and social dynamics at play, and the legal restrictions that may exist. By understanding these factors, we can gain insight into the complex nature of cousin marriage and its implications for families and societies.


1. Countries Where Cousin Marriages Are Common

Middle Eastern Countries

In the Middle East, cousin marriages are a deeply rooted tradition, often encouraged for various cultural and social reasons.


Egypt: Approximately 40% of marriages in Egypt are between cousins. Historically, cousin marriage was prevalent among both Muslims and Copts, although the rates have declined in recent years. The practice is often linked to the preservation of family wealth and cultural values.

Iraq: Cousin marriage is also common in Iraq, with estimates suggesting that 47-60% of marriages are consanguineous. The preference is often for marriages between a man and his father’s brother’s daughter. This practice is more prevalent in rural areas, where families aim to maintain wealth within the family.

Jordan: In Jordan, cousin marriage is widely accepted, particularly among Bedouin communities. The practice is often seen as a way to strengthen family ties and ensure that wealth remains within the extended family.

Saudi Arabia: Cousin marriage is prevalent in Saudi Arabia, where it is estimated that around 30-50% of marriages are between cousins. This practice is often linked to cultural traditions and the desire to maintain family connections.

 South Asian Countries

In South Asia, cousin marriage is common, particularly among certain ethnic and religious groups.

Pakistan: Cousin marriages are prevalent in Pakistan, with estimates suggesting that around 60-70% of marriages are between cousins. The practice is often linked to cultural traditions and is seen as a way to strengthen family ties.

India: In India, the acceptance of cousin marriage varies by region and community. In southern states like Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh, cousin marriage is more common, while in northern states, it is often discouraged due to religious and cultural beliefs.

Bangladesh: Cousin marriage is also common in Bangladesh, particularly among rural populations. The practice is often linked to the preservation of family wealth and cultural traditions.

North African Countries

North African countries also exhibit a high prevalence of cousin marriages.

Algeria: In Algeria, cousin marriage is a common practice, particularly in rural areas. The tradition is often linked to cultural values and the desire to maintain family connections.

Tunisia: Cousin marriage is also prevalent in Tunisia, where it is often seen as a way to strengthen family ties and preserve cultural traditions.

Other Regions

Cousin marriage is not limited to the Middle East and South Asia; it is also practiced in other regions.

Sub-Saharan Africa: In various communities across Sub-Saharan Africa, cousin marriage is a common practice, often linked to cultural traditions and the desire to strengthen family ties.

Indigenous Cultures: Historically, cousin marriage was practiced among indigenous cultures in Australia, North America, and South America. While the prevalence has declined, some communities still maintain this tradition.

2. Cultural Significance of Cousin Marriages

Cousin marriages hold significant cultural importance in many societies. The reasons for this acceptance vary but often include:

Preservation of Family Wealth: Marrying within the family helps to keep wealth and property within the extended family, which is particularly important in cultures where land ownership is a key asset.

Strengthening Family Ties: Cousin marriages are often seen as a way to strengthen family bonds and maintain close relationships between families.

Cultural Traditions: In many cultures, cousin marriage is a longstanding tradition that is passed down through generations. Families may feel a sense of obligation to adhere to these practices.

Social Stability: In some societies, cousin marriage is viewed as a means of ensuring social stability and cohesion within communities.

See also: Can you Marry your 3rd Cousin?

3. Legal Frameworks Governing Cousin Marriages

The legality of cousin marriages varies significantly across countries and regions. In some places, cousin marriage is legally permitted, while in others, it is prohibited or restricted.

Countries Where Cousin Marriages Are Legal

Middle Eastern Countries: In many Middle Eastern countries, cousin marriage is legally permitted and culturally accepted. This includes countries like Egypt, Iraq, and Jordan.

South Asian Countries: In Pakistan and Bangladesh, cousin marriages are legally recognized and widely practiced. In India, the legality varies by region and community, with some areas allowing cousin marriages while others prohibit them.

North African Countries: Cousin marriage is generally legal in North African countries like Algeria and Tunisia.

Countries Where Cousin Marriages Are Prohibited

East Asian Countries: In countries like China, South Korea, and Taiwan, cousin marriages are legally prohibited. These laws are often rooted in cultural beliefs about incest and the potential health risks associated with consanguineous unions.

Southeast Asian Countries: In the Philippines, cousin marriage is also prohibited, reflecting similar cultural beliefs.

United States: In the U.S., the legality of cousin marriage varies by state. While some states allow it, others impose restrictions or outright bans on cousin marriages.

4. Health Implications of Cousin Marriages

One of the primary concerns associated with cousin marriage is the potential health risks for offspring. Research indicates that children born to first cousins have a higher risk of autosomal recessive genetic disorders. The risk is estimated to be around 4-6%, compared to a 3% risk for children of unrelated parents.

Genetic Risks

Autosomal Recessive Disorders: These disorders occur when a child inherits two copies of a mutated gene, one from each parent. The risk of such disorders increases with the degree of genetic relatedness between parents.

Population Genetics: In populations with high rates of cousin marriage, the genetic diversity may be lower, leading to an increased risk of genetic disorders.

Mitigating Factors

Genetic Counseling: In some cultures, families may seek genetic counseling before proceeding with a cousin marriage to assess potential risks.

Awareness and Education: Increasing awareness about the potential health implications can help families make informed decisions regarding cousin marriages.


Cousin marriage remains a complex and multifaceted issue across the globe. While it is widely accepted in many cultures, it is also met with significant opposition in others. Understanding the cultural, legal, and health implications of cousin marriage is essential for navigating this intricate topic. As societies evolve and become more interconnected, the dynamics surrounding cousin marriage may continue to change, reflecting broader shifts in cultural attitudes and legal frameworks.By exploring the various aspects of cousin marriage, we can gain a deeper appreciation for the diverse practices and beliefs that shape family structures around the world.


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