Home Common Sense What Should Be Included In A Click Wrap Agreement?

What Should Be Included In A Click Wrap Agreement?

by Celia
What Should Be Included In A Click Wrap Agreement?

A clickwrap agreement is a legally binding contract that a user accepts by clicking a button or ticking a box on a website or application, indicating their agreement to the terms and conditions. It is commonly used in e-commerce, online services, and software installations. For a clickwrap agreement to be valid and enforceable, it must meet certain legal criteria. This article explores the key elements that should be included in a clickwrap agreement to ensure its validity and effectiveness in protecting both parties.


1. Understanding Click Wrap Agreements

Before delving into the specifics of what should be included in a clickwrap agreement, it’s essential to understand the basic concept and the legal principles behind such agreements.


What is a Click Wrap Agreement?

A clickwrap agreement, also known as a click-through agreement or online agreement, is a contract that users agree to by clicking a button such as “I Agree,” “I Accept,” or a similar phrase on a website or in an app. The key feature of clickwrap agreements is that the user’s consent is provided digitally and explicitly, usually by clicking a button, which creates a record of the user’s agreement.


These agreements are commonly used for:

  • Software installations
  • E-commerce transactions
  • Online services (e.g., cloud storage, social media)
  • Subscription-based services
  • App installations and usage

Legal Enforceability of Click Wrap Agreements

For a clickwrap agreement to be legally enforceable, it must meet the basic requirements of contract law. This includes:

Mutual Assent: Both parties must agree to the terms of the contract.

Consideration: There must be something of value exchanged, typically access to a service or product in exchange for acceptance of the terms.

Capacity: Both parties must have the legal capacity to enter into the agreement.

Legality: The subject matter of the contract must be legal.

In general, courts enforce clickwrap agreements when they are clearly presented and the user has the opportunity to review the terms before accepting them.

2. Key Components of a Click Wrap Agreement

A well-drafted clickwrap agreement must include certain essential elements to ensure that it is both valid and enforceable. Below are the critical components that should be incorporated into every clickwrap agreement.

Title and Introduction

The first section of the agreement should include a clear and concise title that specifies it is a contract or agreement. Common titles include “Terms of Service,” “End User License Agreement (EULA),” or “Privacy Policy.” The title should be visible and easy to locate, so users are aware that they are entering into a contract.

In addition to the title, a brief introduction or statement that outlines the purpose of the agreement should be provided. This helps users understand that by accepting the terms, they are entering into a binding contract.


“By clicking ‘I Agree,’ you are entering into a legal agreement with [Company Name] under the terms set forth below. Please read these terms carefully.”

Clear and Conspicuous Display of Terms

A key feature of a valid clickwrap agreement is that the user is provided with a clear and conspicuous display of the terms and conditions. This means that the user should have the ability to view the full terms of the agreement before accepting them.

Full Text Accessibility: The complete terms and conditions should be readily accessible, typically via a hyperlink or button labeled “Read Terms,” “View Agreement,” or similar language. The terms should not be hidden in small print or difficult-to-access areas.

No Forced Agreement: Users should not be forced into agreeing without being given the opportunity to read the full terms.

Scrolly Boxes: In some cases, terms may be displayed in a scrolled window with a “scroll to accept” feature, which forces the user to scroll through the document before clicking “I Agree.” This is an additional measure that courts may find strengthens the enforceability of the agreement.

An Affirmative Action to Indicate Agreement

To ensure the user’s consent is clearly established, the clickwrap agreement should require an affirmative action, such as clicking a button or ticking a checkbox. This action demonstrates the user’s intent to agree to the terms.

Explicit Consent: The action should be unambiguous and clearly indicate that the user agrees to the terms. For example, the button should say “I Accept” or “I Agree” instead of something vague like “Submit” or “OK.”

No Pre-Checked Boxes: Pre-checked boxes or automatic acceptance features should be avoided as they do not meet the requirements for informed consent. The user must actively choose to agree to the terms.

Date of Agreement

The agreement should specify the date on which the user accepts the terms. This is particularly important in the event of future disputes, as it establishes a clear timeline of when the contract was entered into.

Automatic Date Tracking: Many platforms automatically track the date and time when the user clicks “I Agree.” This digital record can be crucial for establishing when the agreement was accepted.

User’s Right to Reject the Agreement

A clickwrap agreement should make it clear that the user has the right to reject the terms and conditions. This section can also indicate the consequences of rejection, such as losing access to a service or product.

Rejection Consequences: For example, if a user declines the agreement, they may be informed that they cannot proceed with the installation or access the service or content. This ensures that the user understands the consequences of their actions.

Limitations on Modifications

The agreement should specify whether the terms are subject to change and, if so, how modifications will be communicated to users. For example, a clause should state that the company may update the terms at any time and that users will be notified of such changes.

Update Notifications: The agreement may specify that users will be notified via email or through the service’s website when changes are made to the terms.

Effective Date of Changes: It is essential to clearly state when changes will become effective, and whether continued use of the service constitutes acceptance of those changes.

Governing Law and Jurisdiction

Every contract should specify the governing law that applies to the agreement. The jurisdiction clause determines which state or country’s laws will apply if a dispute arises. This is particularly important for online agreements, as users may be located in different regions.

Jurisdiction Clause: This section should specify that any disputes arising from the agreement will be resolved in a specific court or arbitration body, depending on the preferences of the company.

Dispute Resolution

Dispute resolution clauses are critical in clickwrap agreements to address how conflicts between the parties will be handled. This can include provisions for mediation, arbitration, or litigation.

Arbitration Clause: Many clickwrap agreements include mandatory arbitration clauses, requiring disputes to be resolved outside of court.

Class Action Waiver: Some agreements also include a waiver of class action rights, requiring users to resolve disputes individually.

Privacy and Data Collection Practices

If the service involves the collection of personal data, the agreement should reference the platform’s privacy policy, outlining how the user’s data will be collected, used, and protected.

Transparency: Users should be informed about what data is collected and for what purpose, especially in cases where sensitive data is involved.

User Rights: This section should also clarify the user’s rights regarding their data, such as the ability to opt-out or delete their information.

3. Best Practices for Drafting a Click Wrap Agreement

To create an enforceable clickwrap agreement, it’s important to follow best practices that ensure the agreement is clear, fair, and legally sound.

Use Clear and Understandable Language

The terms and conditions should be written in plain language that is easy to understand. Avoid overly technical or legal jargon, as this can undermine the user’s understanding and the enforceability of the agreement.

Keep the Agreement Concise

While it’s important to be thorough, clickwrap agreements should also be concise. If the terms are excessively long or complicated, users may skip reading them altogether. Consider using summaries or bullet points to highlight the key points before linking to the full text.

Test for User Experience

The process of accepting the clickwrap agreement should be seamless and user-friendly. Ensure that the terms are easily accessible, and the user’s actions (clicking or checking) are clear and intuitive.

Implement Version Control

For ongoing contracts, keep track of the versions of the clickwrap agreement, and make sure users are notified if the terms change. Version numbers, dates, and change summaries help maintain transparency and protect the company from potential legal issues.


A clickwrap agreement is a crucial element of many online platforms and services, offering a practical and legally binding way to secure user consent. For the agreement to be enforceable, it must include specific components such as clear terms, user consent, and provisions regarding dispute resolution and governing law. By adhering to best practices in drafting clickwrap agreements, businesses can mitigate legal risks and enhance transparency, ensuring that users are fully informed of their rights and obligations.

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