Home Knowledge What You Need to Know About Consideration in Contract Law

What You Need to Know About Consideration in Contract Law

by Joy

Contracts are legally binding agreements between two or more parties that outline the terms and conditions of a transaction. For a contract to be valid, it must include certain elements, one of which is consideration. In this article, we will explore what consideration is in contract law, why it is important, and how it is determined.


What is Consideration in a Contract?

Consideration is the exchange of something of value between the parties to a contract. It is an essential element of any contract because it ensures that each party is receiving something in return for their promises. The consideration must be sufficient enough to give rise to a legal obligation.


1. Types of Consideration


There are two types of consideration: executed and executory. Executed consideration refers to something that has already been given, such as cash for goods sold. Executory consideration refers to something that will be given at a future date, such as a promise to pay for services to be rendered.

2. Elements of Consideration

For consideration to be valid, it must meet certain requirements. These include:

  • Benefit and Detriment

There must be a benefit to the promisor, the person making the promise, and a detriment to the promisee, the person receiving the promise.

  • Legality

The consideration must be legal. For example, a promise to perform an illegal act cannot be considered valid consideration.

  1. Adequacy

The consideration must be adequate, meaning that it is sufficient to create a legal obligation. This does not necessarily mean that the consideration must be equal in value to what is being promised in return.

Why is Consideration Important in Contract Law?

Consideration is an essential element of contract law because it helps to establish the terms of the agreement and make them legally enforceable. Without consideration, a contract would be nothing more than a promise, which is not legally enforceable.

1. Preventing Unfairness

Consideration helps to prevent one party from taking advantage of another. By requiring each party to give something of value in exchange for the promises made in the contract, it reduces the likelihood of one party making false promises or misrepresenting the terms of the agreement.

2. Establishing Legal Obligations

Consideration helps to establish legal obligations between the parties. When each party gives something of value in exchange for the promises made in the contract, it creates a mutual understanding that each party will fulfill their obligations under the agreement.

3. Providing Clarity

Consideration also helps to make the terms of the contract clear and unambiguous. By requiring each party to give something up in exchange for the promises made in the contract, it establishes the terms of the agreement and ensures that each party understands their obligations.

How is Consideration Determined?

Determining whether consideration exists in a contract can sometimes be a complex process. Courts will consider several factors when determining whether consideration has been given.

1. Bargained-for Exchange

The most important factor in determining whether consideration exists is whether there was a bargain for exchange between the parties. This means that each party must have given something of value in exchange for the promises made in the contract.

2. Illusory Promises

An illusory promise is a statement that appears to be a promise but does not actually commit the promisor to anything. For example, a promise to pay “if I feel like it” would not be considered valid consideration because it is too vague.

3. Past Consideration

Past consideration refers to something that has already been given or done before the contract was formed. Generally, past consideration is not sufficient to create a legal obligation because there was no bargaining or exchange involved at the time.


Consideration is an essential element of any contract. It refers to the exchange of something of value between the parties, and it helps to establish legal obligations and prevent unfairness. When entering into a contract, it is important to carefully consider the terms and ensure that valid consideration is being exchanged between the parties. By understanding what consideration means in contract law, you can protect yourself from future legal disputes and ensure that your contracts are legally enforceable.


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