Home News Govt dodges anti-torture law bullet

Govt dodges anti-torture law bullet

by Joy

The caretaker government does not have to take responsibility after theConstitutional Court invalidated the executive decree suspending fourprovisions of the anti-torture law, according to Deputy Prime MinisterWissanu Krea-ngam.


Mr Wissanu, who is the government’s top legal expert, explained that theterm of the government that issued the decree ended in March when theHouse of Representatives was dissolved. Had the government’s term notended, it would have had to step down or dissolve the House to showresponsibility following the court ruling, he said


While any individual minister in charge of initiating the provisions maystep down from the post, the caretaker government itself cannot resign asit must carry on its duty as constitutionally required to avoid leaving thecountry in a power vacuum, he said.


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