Home Knowledge When Should You Request a Contract of Employment?

When Should You Request a Contract of Employment?

by Joy

A contract of employment is a crucial legal document that outlines the rights and responsibilities of both employers and employees. It establishes the terms and conditions of employment, such as compensation, working hours, leave entitlements, and termination procedures. While not all employers provide contracts of employment, it is important for employees to understand when they should request one to protect their rights and ensure clarity in the employment relationship. In this article, we will explore the situations in which you should consider requesting a contract of employment and the benefits it offers.


When Starting a New Job

Clear Expectations:

  1. Job Role and Responsibilities: A contract of employment provides clarity on your job role, the tasks you are expected to perform, and the responsibilities associated with your position. It helps set clear expectations from the beginning.
  2. Working Hours and Schedule: The contract defines your working hours, including regular working hours, overtime, and any flexible arrangements. It ensures that both parties are aware of the agreed-upon schedule.
  3. Compensation and Benefits: The contract outlines your salary or wages, payment frequency, and any additional benefits such as health insurance, retirement plans, or bonuses. This ensures transparency in your compensation package.

Legal Protection:

  1. Employment Status: The contract clarifies your employment status, whether you are a full-time employee, part-time employee, or on a fixed-term contract. It helps determine your rights and entitlements under employment laws.
  2. Termination Procedures: The contract specifies the notice period required for termination by both parties. It outlines the procedures for resignation or dismissal, protecting your rights in case of termination.
  3. Confidentiality and Non-Compete Agreements: If applicable, the contract may include clauses regarding confidentiality or non-compete agreements, protecting the employer’s sensitive information and preventing you from working for a competitor.

When Promoted or Changing Roles

Change in Responsibilities:

  1. Updated Job Description: If you are promoted or take on a new role within the company, a contract of employment ensures that your updated job description and responsibilities are clearly documented.
  2. Changes in Compensation and Benefits: A promotion or role change often comes with changes in compensation and benefits. The contract ensures that these changes are accurately reflected and agreed upon by both parties.
  3. Terms of the Promotion or Role Change: The contract outlines any specific terms or conditions related to the promotion or role change, such as a probationary period or training requirements.

Protection of Rights:

  1. Continuity of Employment: When transitioning to a new role or position, a contract of employment ensures that your continuity of employment is maintained. It safeguards your employment rights, including accrued leave and seniority.
  2. Clear Understanding of Expectations: The contract helps you and your employer have a mutual understanding of the new role’s expectations, avoiding any misunderstandings or disputes.
  3. Legal Compliance: A contract of employment ensures that the promotion or role change is in compliance with employment laws and regulations. It protects both parties by establishing the legal framework for the new employment arrangement.

When Seeking Legal Protection

Unresolved Issues:

  1. Verbal Agreements: If you have reached certain agreements with your employer verbally, it is crucial to request a written contract to ensure that these agreements are legally binding and enforceable.
  2. Disputes or Concerns: If you have any concerns or disputes regarding your employment terms, requesting a contract of employment can provide a formal framework to address and resolve these issues.
  3. Changes in Employment Policies: If there have been changes in the company’s employment policies or practices, requesting a contract of employment helps ensure that you are aware of these changes and have agreed to them in writing.

Legal Compliance:

  1. Employment Laws and Regulations: Requesting a contract of employment ensures that your employment arrangement complies with local labor laws and regulations. It protects you from potential exploitation or violation of your rights as an employee.
  2. Minimum Employment Standards: The contract establishes the minimum employment standards, such as minimum wage, working hours, and leave entitlements, ensuring that you receive fair and lawful treatment.
  3. Documentation for Legal Proceedings: In case of any legal disputes or claims in the future, a written contract of employment serves as valuable evidence to support your case and protect your rights.


Requesting a contract of employment is an important step in protecting your rights, establishing clear expectations, and ensuring a mutually beneficial employment relationship. Whether you are starting a new job, undergoing a promotion or role change, or seeking legal protection, a contract of employment provides transparency, clarity, and legal safeguards. It outlines key aspects such as job responsibilities, compensation, working hours, termination procedures, and legal compliance. By requesting a contract of employment, you can enhance your understanding of your rights and obligations, establish a solid foundation for your employment, and mitigate potential conflicts or disputes.


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