Home Knowledge The Legal Consequences of a Common Law Relationship Breakup

The Legal Consequences of a Common Law Relationship Breakup

by Joy

Common law relationships, also known as cohabitation, have become increasingly prevalent in modern society. While common law partners may not have the same legal rights and protections as married couples, the dissolution of a common law relationship can still have significant legal consequences. This article aims to provide an overview of the legal implications of a common law relationship breakup, including property division, child custody and support, and spousal support. By understanding the legal framework surrounding common law relationships, individuals can navigate the breakup process with greater clarity and protect their rights and interests.


Property Division in Common Law Relationships

1. Ownership of Shared Assets:

  • Determine the ownership of assets acquired during the course of the common law relationship.
  • Establish whether assets are owned jointly, individually, or through other legal arrangements.
  • Consult with legal professionals to understand how property division laws apply to common law relationships in your jurisdiction.

2. Unjust Enrichment and Constructive Trust:

  • Explore the concept of unjust enrichment, which addresses situations where one partner benefits at the expense of the other during the relationship.
  • Understand the principles of constructive trust, which may be used to distribute property based on contributions made by each partner.
  • Gather evidence of financial contributions, non-financial contributions, and sacrifices made during the relationship to support a claim for property division.

3. Cohabitation Agreements and Property Rights:

  • Assess the presence and validity of any cohabitation agreements or contracts that outline property rights and division in the event of a breakup.
  • Seek legal advice to understand the enforceability and interpretation of such agreements in your jurisdiction.
  • Ensure that any agreements comply with the necessary legal requirements to be recognized and upheld by the courts.

Child Custody and Support in Common Law Relationships

1. Establishing Parental Rights:

  • Determine the legal status of both partners as parents and their rights and responsibilities regarding child custody.
  • Understand the importance of establishing legal parentage through documentation, such as birth certificates or paternity tests.
  • Consult with family law professionals to navigate the process of determining parental rights and responsibilities in a common law relationship breakup.

2. Determining Child Custody and Access:

  • Consider the best interests of the child when determining custody arrangements, taking into account factors such as stability, parental involvement, and the child’s well-being.
  • Explore options for joint custody, sole custody, or shared parenting, based on the unique circumstances of the relationship and the needs of the child.
  • Seek mediation or legal assistance to facilitate constructive discussions and reach a custody agreement that is in the child’s best interests.

3. Child Support Obligations:

  • Understand the legal obligations of each partner regarding child support in the event of a common law relationship breakup.
  • Familiarize yourself with the child support guidelines and regulations in your jurisdiction to determine the appropriate amount of support.
  • Consult with family law professionals to ensure accurate calculation and enforcement of child support payments.

Spousal Support in Common Law Relationships

1. Eligibility for Spousal Support:

  • Determine the criteria for eligibility for spousal support in your jurisdiction, considering factors such as the length of the relationship, financial disparities, and the role of each partner during the relationship.
  • Assess the financial needs and earning capacities of both partners to determine the potential entitlement to spousal support.
  • Seek legal advice to understand the specific laws and guidelines governing spousal support in common law relationships.

2. Calculation and Duration of Spousal Support:

  • Familiarize yourself with the methods used to calculate spousal support payments, including income, needs, and lifestyle standards.
  • Consider the duration of spousal support payments, which may vary depending on factors such as the length of the relationship, the ability to become self-sufficient, and other relevant circumstances.
  • Seek legal guidance to ensure that spousal support calculations are fair and in accordance with the laws of your jurisdiction.

3. Agreements and Waivers:

  1. Assess the presence of any spousal support agreements or waivers that were made during the common law relationship.
  2. Understand the enforceability and interpretation of such agreements in your jurisdiction.
  3. Consult with legal professionals to ensure that any agreements comply with the necessary legal requirements and consider their potential impact on spousal support obligations.


The legal consequences of a common law relationship breakup can have a significant impact on the lives of individuals involved. Understanding the legal framework surrounding property division, child custody and support, and spousal support is crucial for protecting one’s rights and interests. By seeking legal advice, gathering relevant documentation, and engaging in open and constructive discussions, individuals can navigate the breakup process with greater clarity and ensure a fair resolution. It is important to remember that the legal implications may vary depending on the jurisdiction, so consulting with local legal professionals is essential for obtaining accurate and up-to-date information.


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