Home Knowledge What You Need to Know About Hiring Subcontracted Employees

What You Need to Know About Hiring Subcontracted Employees

by Joy

Subcontracting is a business practice that has been around for centuries. It involves hiring another company or individual to perform a specific task or project on behalf of the main contractor. In the context of human resources, subcontracting refers to the employment of an individual by a third-party staffing agency or company, who then assigns the employee to work under the direction of a client company. Such workers are referred to as subcontracted employees, contract workers, or contingent workers.


In this article, we will provide a comprehensive guide to understanding subcontracted employees, their responsibilities, and benefits. We will also explore the reasons why businesses opt to hire subcontracted employees, the advantages and disadvantages of such arrangements, and the legal implications for all parties involved.


Definition of Subcontracted Employees

A subcontracted employee is an individual who is employed by a staffing agency or company, but works under the supervision and direction of a client company. These workers may be used to fill temporary positions, handle seasonal spikes in demand, or assist with special projects. Subcontracted employees are typically hired for a fixed period and are paid by the staffing agency, not the client company.


Responsibilities of Subcontracted Employees

Subcontracted employees are responsible for carrying out tasks assigned to them by the client company. Their duties and responsibilities may vary depending on the nature of the job, but generally include:

  1. Following instructions provided by the client company
  2. Completing assigned tasks within the given timeline
  3. Maintaining regular communication with the staffing agency and client company
  4. Adhering to the policies and procedures of the client company
  5. Maintaining confidentiality and protecting the client company’s proprietary information
  6. Maintaining a high level of professionalism while on the job

Benefits of Hiring Subcontracted Employees

  1. Flexibility: One of the main benefits of hiring subcontracted employees is flexibility. As they are not permanent employees, businesses can hire them on an as-needed basis, for short or long-term projects, or to fill temporary positions.
  2. Cost Savings: Subcontracting can also be cost-effective for businesses, as they do not have to provide benefits such as health insurance, retirement plans, or paid time off. Staffing agencies assume these responsibilities, thereby reducing the overall cost of employment for the client company.
  3. Access to Specialized Skills: Subcontracted employees may possess specialized skills and expertise that are not available within the client company. By hiring them, businesses gain access to a wider pool of talent, which can enhance productivity and efficiency.
  4. Reduced Administrative Burden: Since staffing agencies handle payroll, taxes, and other administrative tasks, businesses can save time and resources on paperwork and compliance-related issues.

Disadvantages of Hiring Subcontracted Employees

  1. Lack of Control: The client company may have limited control over the subcontracted employee’s work schedule, hours of work, and overall performance. This can create challenges in terms of coordinating tasks and ensuring quality output.
  2. Potential for Disputes: Conflicts may arise between the client company and the staffing agency regarding payment, working conditions, and other contractual obligations. Such disputes can be time-consuming and costly to resolve.
  3. Difficulty in Building Relationships: Subcontracted employees may feel disconnected from the client company’s culture and values, which can make it difficult to build strong relationships and foster a sense of loyalty.

Legal Implications of Subcontracting

Subcontracting arrangements are governed by specific laws and regulations that vary depending on the industry and location. Companies must ensure compliance with these laws to avoid legal liabilities and penalties. The following are some of the key legal implications of subcontracting:

  1. Employment Contracts: Subcontracted employees must sign a contract with the staffing agency that outlines their rights, responsibilities, and compensation.
  2. Tax Obligations: Staffing agencies are responsible for withholding taxes and filing tax returns on behalf of their subcontracted employees.
  3. Workers’ Compensation: Staffing agencies are required to provide workers’ compensation insurance to their subcontracted employees in case of injury or illness while on the job.


Subcontracting can be an effective way for businesses to fill temporary positions, handle seasonal spikes in demand, or access specialized skills. However, it is important to understand the responsibilities, benefits, and legal implications of such arrangements. By doing so, businesses can make informed decisions that benefit all parties involved.


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