Home Documents Demystifying Implied Employment Contracts: A Comprehensive Guide

Demystifying Implied Employment Contracts: A Comprehensive Guide

by Joy

When individuals enter into an employment relationship, it is common for parties to rely on explicit written contracts to define their rights and obligations. However, not all employment agreements are explicitly stated in writing. In some cases, employment contracts can be implied based on the conduct and actions of the parties involved. These implied employment contracts can have significant legal implications. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the concept of implied employment contracts, their formation, terms, and important considerations for both employers and employees.


Understanding Implied Employment Contracts


An implied employment contract is a legally binding agreement that arises from the actions, conduct, or circumstances of the parties involved, rather than from an explicitly written agreement.


Elements of Formation:

Implied employment contracts are formed through the following elements:

  • Mutual Intent: The parties involved demonstrate a mutual intent to enter into an employment relationship, even if not explicitly stated.
  • Conduct and Actions: The actions, behavior, and practices of the parties indicate an understanding and agreement on the terms and conditions of employment.
  • Custom and Industry Practices: Implied employment contracts can also be formed based on customs and practices common to a specific industry or occupation.

Types of Implied Employment Contracts

Implied-in-Fact Contracts:

Implied-in-fact contracts are inferred from the parties’ conduct, actions, and communications. Although not explicitly written, these contracts are legally enforceable and carry the same weight as express contracts.

  • Job Offer and Acceptance: The circumstances surrounding the job offer and the acceptance of employment can form an implied-in-fact contract. This may include discussions of salary, benefits, job responsibilities, and duration of employment.
  • Company Policies and Handbooks: Employers’ policies, employee handbooks, or other written documents that outline the terms and conditions of employment can contribute to the formation of an implied-in-fact contract.
  • Performance and Conduct: The performance of job duties and adherence to company practices and policies over a period of time can indicate the existence of an implied employment contract.

Implied-at-Law Contracts (Quasi-Contracts):

Implied-at-law contracts, also known as quasi-contracts, are not based on the parties’ intent but are imposed by law to prevent unjust enrichment or unfair outcomes.

  • Unjust Enrichment: In situations where an employee performs work and the employer benefits from that work, an implied-at-law contract may be created to ensure fairness and prevent the employer from benefiting without compensating the employee.
  • Quantum Meruit: Quantum meruit, meaning “as much as he or she deserved,” is a legal principle that allows an employee to claim reasonable compensation for work performed even in the absence of a written contract.
  • Restitution: Implied-at-law contracts can also arise when an employee has provided goods or services to an employer and is entitled to restitution for their value.

Terms and Conditions of Implied Employment Contracts

  1. Compensation and Benefits: Implied employment contracts typically include provisions regarding compensation, such as wages, salary, bonuses, and benefits, which may be based on industry norms or past practices.
  2. Job Duties and Responsibilities: Implied employment contracts may specify the general job duties and responsibilities expected of the employee based on the nature of the work, industry standards, or the employee’s past performance.
  3. Duration of Employment: While implied employment contracts may not specify an explicit duration, the conduct and actions of the parties can indicate the intended length of employment, whether it is for a specific project or ongoing until terminated by either party.
  4. Termination and Notice Period: Implied employment contracts often address termination procedures, including notice periods required by either party and any conditions for termination, such as performance or misconduct issues.

Important Considerations for Employers and Employees

  1. Clarity and Documentation: To avoid ambiguity and potential disputes, employers should strive to have written employment contracts that clearly outline the terms and conditions of employment. This can help prevent the formation of unintended implied contracts.
  2. Custom and Industry Practices: Employers should be aware of industry practices and customs that may contribute to the formation of implied employment contracts. Regularly reviewing and updating company policies and practices can help align expectations and prevent misunderstandings.
  3. At-Will Employment: In jurisdictions that recognize at-will employment, it is essential to clearly communicate that the employment relationship is at-will and can be terminated by either party at any time, with or without cause.

Legal Implications and Dispute Resolution

  1. Enforceability: Implied employment contracts, whether implied-in-fact or implied-at-law, are generally enforceable like explicit written contracts. Parties can seek legal remedies for breach of contract if the terms and conditions are violated.
  2. Dispute Resolution: Disputes arising from implied employment contracts can be resolved through negotiation, mediation, or, if necessary, litigation. It is advisable for parties to seek legal advice to understand their rights and obligations and explore alternative dispute resolution methods.
  3. Applicable Laws and Regulations: Implied employment contracts must comply with relevant employment laws and regulations governing areas such as minimum wage, working hours, discrimination, and other employment-related matters.


Implied employment contracts are an important aspect of employment relationships and can have significant legal implications. Understanding the formation, terms, and considerations associated with implied contracts is crucial for both employers and employees. While explicit written contracts provide clarity and certainty, parties should be aware that their actions and conduct can create binding employment agreements. Employers should strive to maintain clear communication, document employment terms, and review company policies regularly to prevent unintended implied contracts. Seeking legal advice and utilizing appropriate dispute resolution methods can help parties navigate any issues that may arise from implied employment contracts.


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