Home Knowledge A Closer Look at the Rights of Wives in Marriage

A Closer Look at the Rights of Wives in Marriage

by Joy

Marriage is a legally recognized social contract between two people, traditionally based on a sexual relationship, and implying a permanence of the union. In this article, we will take a closer look at the rights of wives in marriage. We will explore the different types of marriages, the roles of wives in marriage, and the legal rights of wives.


Types of Marriages

Marriage can take many forms, depending on the society. Some of the most common types of marriages include:


Monogamous Marriage: This is the most common form of marriage, where two people are legally married to each other.


Polygamous Marriage: This is a form of marriage where one person is married to multiple spouses. Polygamous marriages are illegal in most countries.

Common Law Marriage: This is a form of marriage where two people live together for a certain period of time and hold themselves out to the public as being married. Common law marriages are recognized in some states in the United States.

Roles of Wives in Marriage

The roles of wives in marriage vary depending on the society. In some societies, wives are expected to be homemakers and take care of the children, while in others, wives are expected to work outside the home and contribute to the family income. However, regardless of the society, wives play an important role in marriage. Some of the roles of wives in marriage include:

Emotional Support: Wives provide emotional support to their husbands and help them deal with the stresses of life.

Household Management: Wives are responsible for managing the household, including cooking, cleaning, and taking care of the children.

Financial Management: Wives are often responsible for managing the family finances, including paying bills and budgeting.

Legal Rights of Wives

Wives have legal rights in marriage, including:

Right to Property: Wives have the right to own property, both individually and jointly with their husbands.

Right to Inheritance: Wives have the right to inherit property from their husbands.

Right to Alimony: Wives have the right to receive alimony from their husbands in the event of a divorce.

However, the legal rights of wives vary depending on the society and the laws of the country. In some societies, wives have limited legal rights, while in others, wives have the same legal rights as their husbands.

The Right to Marry

The right to marry is a fundamental human right protected by international law. Article 12 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights declares that “Men and women of full age, without any limitation due to race, nationality or religion, have the right to marry and to found a family. They are entitled to equal rights as to marriage, during marriage and at its dissolution. Marriage shall be entered into only with the free and full consent of the intending spouses.”However, the right to marry is subject to national laws on marriage, including those that make marriage illegal between certain types of people (for example, close relatives). In some countries, women do not have the same right to marry as men, and may require the permission of a male guardian to marry.

Challenges Faced by Wives in Marriage

Despite legal protections, wives may face challenges in marriage, including:

Domestic Violence: Wives may be subjected to domestic violence by their husbands, which can include physical, emotional, and sexual abuse.

Discrimination: Wives may face discrimination in the workplace and in society, based on their gender.

Limited Opportunities: Wives may have limited opportunities for education and employment, which can limit their financial independence.


In conclusion, wives play an important role in marriage, providing emotional support, managing the household, and contributing to the family income. Wives have legal rights in marriage, including the right to own property, the right to inherit property, and the right to receive alimony in the event of a divorce. However, the legal rights of wives vary depending on the society and the laws of the country. Wives may also face challenges in marriage, including domestic violence, discrimination, and limited opportunities. It is important for wives to be aware of their legal rights and to seek legal advice if necessary.


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