Home Knowledge Understanding Conflict of Interest in Real Estate: An Overview

Understanding Conflict of Interest in Real Estate: An Overview

by Joy
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Real estate transactions involve a complex web of relationships between buyers, sellers, agents, brokers, and other professionals. In such a complex environment, conflicts of interest can arise, which can lead to legal and ethical issues. In this article, we will provide an overview of conflict of interest in real estate, including what it is, how it can occur, and how to avoid it.


What Is a Conflict of Interest in Real Estate?

A conflict of interest occurs when a real estate professional has competing interests or loyalties that conflict with the interests of their client. In a real estate transaction, the client is typically the buyer or seller, and the real estate professional is expected to act in the best interests of their client. However, conflicts of interest can arise when the real estate professional’s personal interests or loyalties conflict with their client’s interests.


Scenarios That May Cause Conflict of Interest

Several scenarios can cause conflicts of interest in real estate, including:


Dual Agency: Dual agency occurs when a real estate agent represents both the buyer and the seller in a transaction. This can create a conflict of interest because the agent may be torn between the interests of the buyer and the seller.

The agent may be incentivized to close the deal quickly to earn a commission, even if it is not in the best interest of the buyer or seller.

The agent may be tempted to withhold information from one party to benefit the other party.

The agent may be tempted to steer the transaction towards a particular outcome to benefit one party over the other.

Self-Dealing: Self-dealing occurs when a real estate professional uses their position to benefit themselves at the expense of their client. For example, an agent may buy a property for themselves that they know their client is interested in purchasing.

The agent may be tempted to withhold information from their client to benefit themselves.

The agent may be tempted to steer the transaction towards a particular outcome to benefit themselves.

Commissions from Third Parties: Real estate professionals may receive commissions from third parties, such as mortgage brokers or lenders. This can create a conflict of interest because the agent may be incentivized to steer their client towards a particular lender or mortgage broker.

The agent may be tempted to recommend a lender or mortgage broker that offers the highest commission, even if it is not in the best interest of the client.

The agent may be tempted to withhold information about other lenders or mortgage brokers to benefit the lender or mortgage broker that offers the highest commission.

How to Avoid Conflict of Interest in Real Estate

Real estate professionals can take several steps to avoid conflicts of interest, including:

Disclosure: Real estate professionals should disclose any potential conflicts of interest to their clients. This includes disclosing any relationships they have with third parties, such as lenders or mortgage brokers.

Avoid Dual Agency: Real estate professionals should avoid dual agency whenever possible. If dual agency is unavoidable, the agent should disclose the situation to both parties and obtain their written consent.

Put Clients First: Real estate professionals should always put their clients’ interests first. This means avoiding any actions that could benefit the agent at the expense of the client.

Avoid Self-Dealing: Real estate professionals should avoid self-dealing at all costs. This means not buying properties for themselves that they know their clients are interested in purchasing and not withholding information from their clients to benefit themselves.

Avoid Commissions from Third Parties: Real estate professionals should avoid receiving commissions from third parties, such as lenders or mortgage brokers. If they do receive commissions, they should disclose this information to their clients and recommend lenders or mortgage brokers based on their clients’ best interests.

The Legal and Ethical Implications of Conflict of Interest

Conflicts of interest in real estate can have serious legal and ethical implications. Real estate professionals who engage in conflicts of interest can face lawsuits, disciplinary action, and damage to their reputation. In addition, conflicts of interest can harm clients by leading to unfavorable outcomes, such as higher costs or lower profits.


In conclusion, conflicts of interest can arise in real estate transactions, and it is important for real estate professionals to be aware of the potential for conflicts of interest and take steps to avoid them. This includes disclosing any potential conflicts of interest, avoiding dual agency whenever possible, and putting clients’ interests first. By doing so, real estate professionals can protect themselves and their clients from legal and ethical issues and ensure that transactions are conducted fairly and transparently.


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