Home Knowledge Foundations of Common Law in Alberta: A Comprehensive Guide

Foundations of Common Law in Alberta: A Comprehensive Guide

by Joy

Common law serves as the cornerstone of the legal system in Alberta, Canada. It is a system rooted in judicial decisions, precedent, and the principles of stare decisis. Understanding the foundations of common law is essential for comprehending and navigating the legal landscape of Alberta. This comprehensive guide delves into the key components that contribute to the formation and evolution of common law in the province.


Precedent and Case Law

At the heart of common law in Alberta lies the doctrine of precedent, where decisions made by higher courts establish binding precedents that lower courts must follow. The accumulation of these precedents, along with interpretations and principles derived from specific cases, forms the body of case law that serves as a foundation for common law.


Definition and Significance of Precedent:

Precedent refers to a legal decision that establishes a principle or rule that subsequent cases with similar facts must adhere to. In Alberta, the significance of precedent lies in its ability to provide consistency, predictability, and fairness in the legal system. It ensures that similar cases are treated similarly, promoting a sense of justice and equality.


Hierarchy of Courts and Impact on Precedent:

The hierarchy of courts in Alberta plays a vital role in shaping the formation and application of precedent. Key courts include:

Supreme Court of Canada: As the highest court in the country, decisions made by the Supreme Court of Canada have a significant impact on the development of common law in Alberta. Its rulings become binding precedents for all courts within the province.

Court of Appeal for Alberta: This intermediate appellate court has the authority to interpret the law and establish precedents within Alberta. Its decisions serve as binding precedents for lower courts in the province.

Provincial and Territorial Courts: These lower courts, including the Provincial Court of Alberta, are bound by the precedents set by higher courts. While their decisions may not establish binding precedents, they can be persuasive and influence future cases.

The Doctrine of Stare Decisis:

The doctrine of stare decisis, meaning “to stand by things decided,” is a fundamental principle within common law systems, including Alberta. Stare decisis ensures that legal principles established in prior cases are upheld and applied consistently in subsequent cases.

Meaning and Application of Stare Decisis: Stare decisis emphasizes the importance of following legal precedents to maintain consistency and predictability. Courts in Alberta adhere to this doctrine by treating similar cases in a manner consistent with previous decisions, promoting fairness and equality in the legal system.

Binding and Persuasive Precedents: In Alberta, binding precedents are those set by higher courts within the jurisdiction, such as the Supreme Court of Canada and the Court of Appeal for Alberta. These precedents must be followed by lower courts. Persuasive precedents, on the other hand, are decisions from courts outside the jurisdiction or lower courts within Alberta. While not binding, persuasive precedents can be influential in shaping legal outcomes.

Overruling and Distinguishing Precedents: Overruling a precedent occurs when a higher court sets aside a previous decision, rendering it no longer binding. This can happen when new evidence or legal arguments warrant a change in the law. Distinguishing a precedent, on the other hand, involves showing that the facts of the current case are sufficiently different from those of the precedent, allowing the court to reach a different conclusion.

Evolution of Common Law

Common law in Alberta evolves over time through judicial interpretation, where judges interpret legislation, statutes, and constitutional provisions to provide clarity and guidance in legal disputes. This process enables the law to adapt to societal changes and ensures its relevance in a dynamic and evolving society.

Role of Judges in Interpreting Laws:

Judges play a crucial role in interpreting laws to determine their meaning and application in specific cases. They analyze legislative intent, historical context, and the purpose of the law to provide guidance and resolve disputes. Through their interpretations, judges shape the principles and doctrines that form the foundation of common law in Alberta.

Filling Gaps in the Law:

Common law, unlike statutory law, may have gaps or ambiguities. Judges play a vital role in filling these gaps through their interpretation of legal principles and precedents. Their decisions help establish new principles or refine existing ones, ensuring that the law remains relevant and effective in addressing emerging legal issues.

Adapting to Societal Changes:

Society constantly evolves, and the law must adapt to meet new challenges and address emerging needs. Judicial interpretation allows judges to apply legal principles in a manner that reflects societal changes and values. This ensures that common law remains responsive to the needs of the community and promotes justice and equity.


The foundations of common law in Alberta are built upon precedent, case law, and the doctrine of stare decisis. Precedents set by higher courts provide guidance and consistency to the legal system, while the doctrine of stare decisis ensures that these precedents are followed. Judicial interpretation allows the law to evolve, adapt to societal changes, and fill gaps in legislation. Understanding these foundations is crucial for lawyers, judges, and individuals navigating the legal landscape of Alberta, promoting a fair and just system that upholds the rule of law.


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