Home Knowledge What Happens if My Common Law Spouse Dies?

What Happens if My Common Law Spouse Dies?

by Joy

The loss of a loved one is a challenging and emotional experience. When your common law spouse passes away, you may wonder about the legal and practical implications of their death. In this article, we provide a comprehensive overview of what happens if your common law spouse dies, discussing key aspects such as inheritance rights, estate administration, financial considerations, and emotional support during this difficult time.


Understanding Common Law Marriage

Definition and Recognition:

Common law marriage refers to a legally recognized marital status based on the couple’s actions and behaviors, without a formal marriage ceremony or license.


Recognition of common law marriage varies by jurisdiction, with some states or countries recognizing it and others not.


Implications of Common Law Marriage:

In jurisdictions where common law marriage is recognized, common law spouses have certain legal rights and entitlements similar to those of traditionally married couples.

Understanding the legal status of your common law marriage is essential to determining your rights upon the death of your spouse.

Immediate Steps to Take

Notification of Death:

Inform the necessary parties, including family members, close friends, and relevant authorities, such as the hospital, funeral home, or coroner’s office.

Obtain the death certificate, which is an important document for legal and administrative purposes.

Seek Emotional Support:

Grieve and seek support from family, friends, or support groups to help cope with the loss.

Consider professional counseling or therapy to navigate the emotional impact of your spouse’s passing.

Estate Administration and Inheritance Rights

Wills and Estate Planning:

If your common law spouse had a valid will, it will dictate the distribution of their assets and provide guidance on estate administration.

Consult an attorney to determine the validity of the will and understand your rights and obligations as a surviving common law spouse.

Intestate Succession:

Intestate succession rules come into play when your common law spouse dies without a valid will.

In jurisdictions that recognize common law marriage, you may have inheritance rights similar to those of legally married spouses, entitling you to a share of your spouse’s estate.

Probate Process:

The probate process involves validating the will (if applicable), paying debts and taxes, and distributing the remaining assets according to the applicable laws.

Consult an attorney to guide you through the probate process and ensure your rights are protected.

Financial Considerations

Jointly Owned Assets:

If you and your common law spouse jointly owned assets, such as a house or bank accounts, the ownership rights will depend on how the assets were titled.

Consult legal advice to understand your rights and options regarding jointly owned assets.

Life Insurance and Beneficiary Designations:

Check if your common law spouse had any life insurance policies and if you are named as a beneficiary.

Review other beneficiary designations on retirement accounts, pensions, or investment accounts to ensure they reflect your current situation.

Debts and Liabilities:

Understand your obligations regarding any outstanding debts or liabilities held jointly with your common law spouse.
Seek legal advice to navigate any financial responsibilities and protect your interests.

Legal Assistance and Support

Consult an Attorney:

Engage the services of an experienced attorney specializing in family law or estate planning to navigate the legal aspects of your common law spouse’s death.

An attorney can provide guidance on your rights, assist with estate administration, and address any legal disputes that may arise.

Emotional Support and Counseling:

Seek emotional support from friends, family, or professional counselors to help you through the grieving process and provide guidance during the legal procedures.

Don’t hesitate to reach out to support groups or organizations that specialize in bereavement and loss.


Losing a common law spouse is a deeply emotional experience, accompanied by legal and administrative considerations. Understanding your inheritance rights, estate administration, financial obligations, and seeking the necessary legal and emotional support can help you navigate this difficult time. While the laws surrounding common law marriage vary, consulting with an attorney and surrounding yourself with a support network will help ensure your rights and well-being are protected as you grieve and move forward after the loss of your common law spouse.


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