Home laws and regulations Which states honor common law marriage?

Which states honor common law marriage?

by 玛丽

Marriage is a fundamental institution in society, and its legal recognition provides couples with various rights and benefits. While most marriages are formalized through a marriage license and ceremony, there is another type of marital union known as common law marriage. Common law marriages, also referred to as non-ceremonial marriages or informal marriages, occur when a couple lives together and presents themselves as spouses without obtaining a marriage license or participating in a formal ceremony.


Common law marriages were historically recognized in many jurisdictions, but over time, their legal status has changed. Today, only a handful of states within the United States continue to honor common law marriages. In this article, we will explore the states that still recognize common law marriages and delve into the requirements for establishing such unions.


States that Recognize Common Law Marriages:

As of 2021, only the following states recognize common law marriages: Alabama, Colorado, Iowa, Kansas, Montana, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Texas, and Utah. Each state has its own specific criteria for validating a common law marriage, which we will discuss below.


Requirements for Establishing a Common Law Marriage:

While the details may vary slightly from state to state, certain elements generally need to be present to establish a valid common law marriage:

Cohabitation: The couple must live together as if they were married. Simply dating or having a romantic relationship does not meet the requirement of cohabitation.

Intent: Both parties must have the intention to be married. This can be demonstrated through actions such as referring to each other as spouses, using the same last name, or filing joint tax returns.

Consent: The couple must mutually consent to enter into a marital relationship. Neither party should be coerced or under duress during the formation of the common law marriage.

Public Representation: The couple must hold themselves out to the public as a married couple. This can be evidenced by introducing each other as spouses, referring to each other as husband and wife, or listing themselves as married on official documents.

It is essential to note that these requirements may vary in their specifics depending on the state. Therefore, individuals seeking a common law marriage should consult the specific laws of their respective state to ensure compliance.

Benefits and Responsibilities of Common Law Marriage:

In states recognizing common law marriage, couples enjoy the same legal benefits and responsibilities as formally married couples. These may include:

Property Rights: Common law spouses have rights to property acquired during the course of the relationship, similar to those in formal marriages.

Inheritance: In the event of a partner’s death, common law spouses may inherit from each other if no will exists.

Healthcare and Insurance: Some states extend healthcare and insurance benefits to common law spouses.

Divorce and Alimony: Common law marriages are dissolved through divorce proceedings, and spousal support (alimony) may be granted upon dissolution.

Child Custody and Support: Just like in formal marriages, common law spouses may face child custody and support issues upon separation.


The recognition of common law marriages varies across the United States, with only a few states upholding their legal validity. Couples residing in Alabama, Colorado, Iowa, Kansas, Montana, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Texas, and Utah have the opportunity to establish common law marriages by meeting specific requirements defined by each state’s laws. It is crucial for couples considering common law marriage to understand the legal implications, benefits, and responsibilities associated with such unions. As marriage laws continue to evolve, individuals should stay informed about their state’s regulations to make well-informed decisions regarding their relationships and future.

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