Home Documents What is the copyright law in the UK?

What is the copyright law in the UK?

by Cecilia

Copyright law in the United Kingdom is a crucial aspect of intellectual property protection, ensuring that creators and owners of original works have exclusive rights to use, distribute, and financially benefit from their creations. Copyright law covers a wide range of creative works, including literature, music, art, films, software, and more. In this article, we will explore the key aspects of copyright law in the UK, the rights it grants to creators, the duration of protection, and the exceptions that allow for fair use and access to copyrighted materials.


Definition of Copyright:

Copyright is a legal concept that grants exclusive rights to the creators of original works, allowing them to control the use and distribution of their creations. This protection applies automatically upon the creation of the work and does not require formal registration. The Copyright, Designs, and Patents Act 1988 (CDPA) is the primary legislation governing copyright law in the UK.


Eligible Works for Copyright Protection:

Copyright law in the UK protects a broad range of creative works, including:


Literary works: Books, articles, poems, and computer programs.

Artistic works: Paintings, photographs, sculptures, and drawings.

Music: Compositions, song lyrics, and musical recordings.

Films and videos: Motion pictures, TV shows, and documentaries.

Sound recordings: Recordings of music and spoken word.

Broadcasts: Radio and television broadcasts.

Databases: Collections of data or information.

Copyright Ownership:

The creator of a copyrighted work is the original owner of the copyright. In some cases, copyright ownership may be transferred or assigned to another party through a written agreement. For example, an employer may own the copyright to works created by an employee as part of their job duties.

Duration of Copyright Protection:

The duration of copyright protection varies depending on the type of work:

Literary, artistic, musical, and dramatic works: Copyright protection lasts for the lifetime of the creator plus 70 years from the end of the calendar year of their death.

Films: The same duration applies to the principal director, screenplay author, and composer of the film.

Sound recordings: Copyright protection lasts for 70 years from the end of the calendar year in which the recording was first published.

Broadcasts: Copyright protection lasts for 50 years from the end of the calendar year in which the broadcast was made.

Rights Granted by Copyright:

Copyright provides creators with several exclusive rights over their works, including the rights to:

Reproduce the work.

Distribute copies of the work.

Perform or display the work in public.

Make adaptations or derivative works based on the original.

Communicate the work to the public (e.g., via the internet or broadcasting).

Fair Dealing and Exceptions:

Fair dealing is a limited exception to copyright law that allows the use of copyrighted material without permission for specific purposes, such as research, private study, criticism, review, reporting news, and education. The use must be fair, and the extent of the use should not significantly impact the market value of the copyrighted work.

Infringement and Enforcement:

Copyright infringement occurs when someone uses a copyrighted work without authorization, violating the exclusive rights of the copyright owner. In such cases, the copyright owner can take legal action to enforce their rights, seeking remedies such as damages or injunctions to stop the unauthorized use.


Copyright law in the UK plays a critical role in protecting the rights of creators and encouraging innovation and creativity across various fields. It grants creators exclusive rights over their original works, ensuring they have the opportunity to financially benefit from their creations. Copyright protection automatically applies to eligible works, and its duration varies depending on the type of work. Fair dealing provisions allow for limited use of copyrighted material without permission for specific purposes. By understanding copyright law, creators can safeguard their intellectual property and maintain control over the use and distribution of their creative works.


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