Home Knowledge Who has the power to resolve disputes between states?

Who has the power to resolve disputes between states?

by Cecilia

Disputes between states can arise from various issues, ranging from territorial disputes to trade conflicts or disagreements over international treaties. When these disputes cannot be resolved through diplomatic negotiations, it becomes necessary to seek a formal mechanism for resolution. In the international arena, various entities and forums play significant roles in mediating and resolving disputes between states. In this article, we will explore the key entities and mechanisms involved in resolving interstate disputes, their functions, and the importance of peaceful resolution in maintaining international stability and cooperation.


Diplomatic Negotiations:

Diplomatic negotiations are the primary means through which states attempt to resolve disputes amicably. In this process, representatives of the conflicting states engage in discussions, seeking to find common ground and reach mutually acceptable solutions. Diplomatic negotiations allow states to express their concerns, interests, and desired outcomes, fostering an environment for open communication and understanding.


Bilateral Negotiations:

Bilateral negotiations involve two conflicting states sitting down together to address their issues directly. This approach is often preferred when the dispute is of a sensitive nature or requires confidentiality. Bilateral negotiations can lead to more focused and personalized discussions, allowing for quicker resolution in some cases.


Multilateral Forums:

When disputes involve multiple states or have broader implications, multilateral forums may be utilized for resolution. These forums can be regional or global in nature and bring together various stakeholders to facilitate discussions and mediate between the parties involved. The United Nations (UN) and its specialized agencies are examples of multilateral forums that play crucial roles in international conflict resolution.

The United Nations:

As an international organization dedicated to promoting peace and cooperation, the United Nations serves as a significant facilitator of interstate dispute resolution. The UN Charter outlines principles for peaceful settlement of disputes and provides several mechanisms for mediation, arbitration, and adjudication.

a. The Security Council: The UN Security Council has the authority to address threats to international peace and security and can recommend or enforce measures to resolve conflicts peacefully.

b. The International Court of Justice (ICJ): The ICJ is the principal judicial organ of the UN, tasked with settling legal disputes between states based on international law. It issues legally binding judgments on contentious cases and provides advisory opinions on legal questions referred by UN bodies.

c. Mediation and Good Offices: The UN Secretary-General and other UN entities can act as mediators or provide good offices to assist states in resolving disputes through diplomatic means.

Regional Organizations:

Regional organizations, such as the European Union (EU), the African Union (AU), or the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), also play important roles in resolving disputes between member states. These organizations provide platforms for dialogue and cooperation, promoting regional stability and conflict resolution.

Arbitration and Adjudication:

Arbitration and adjudication are mechanisms used to resolve disputes when diplomatic negotiations have failed. In arbitration, an impartial third party is selected by the conflicting states to review the evidence and render a binding decision. Adjudication involves submitting the dispute to an international court or tribunal, which issues a legally binding judgment.

The Role of Mediators:

Mediators are impartial third parties who facilitate negotiations and help the conflicting states reach a resolution. They assist in clarifying issues, identifying common interests, and proposing creative solutions that could be acceptable to both parties. Mediators play a vital role in managing emotions, promoting constructive communication, and guiding the parties towards a peaceful settlement.

The Significance of Peaceful Resolution:

Peaceful resolution of disputes between states is crucial for maintaining international stability, fostering cooperation, and preventing escalation into armed conflicts. By engaging in dialogue and seeking common ground, states can protect their mutual interests and avoid the detrimental consequences of prolonged disputes.


Resolving disputes between states is essential for maintaining global peace, security, and cooperation. Diplomatic negotiations, bilateral talks, and multilateral forums provide opportunities for open communication and understanding. The United Nations and its specialized agencies, along with regional organizations, play significant roles in providing mediation, arbitration, and adjudication services. The involvement of impartial mediators can facilitate dialogue and promote creative solutions. The peaceful resolution of disputes between states is not only a sign of international maturity but also a means to foster cooperation and promote global prosperity. By choosing diplomacy over conflict, states can build a more harmonious and cooperative international community.


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