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How to Make a Sales Contract: A Definitive Guide

by Cecilia

A contract of sale, also known as a sales agreement or purchase contract, is a legally binding agreement between a seller and a buyer for the exchange of goods, services, or property. Understanding how a contract of sale is made is essential for individuals and businesses engaging in commercial transactions. This article explores the key elements and steps involved in creating a contract of sale.


Key elements of a sales contract

Offer and Acceptance:

The foundation of any contract is the offer and its acceptance. In the context of a contract of sale, the process starts when the seller makes an offer to sell a product, service, or property, along with its terms and conditions. The offer can be communicated verbally, in writing, or through actions such as displaying a price tag on a product.


The acceptance occurs when the buyer agrees to the seller’s offer, unconditionally and without modifications. The acceptance must mirror the offer, meaning it should match the terms and conditions set forth in the offer. If the acceptance introduces new conditions or changes the terms, it is considered a counteroffer rather than an acceptance.


Intention to Create Legal Relations:

For a contract of sale to be valid, both parties must have the intention to create legal relations. In other words, they must genuinely intend to be bound by the terms of the contract. This requirement ensures that casual or social agreements do not become legally enforceable contracts unintentionally.


Consideration is the value exchanged between the parties in a contract. In a contract of sale, it typically involves the price paid by the buyer in exchange for the goods, services, or property provided by the seller. Consideration is essential to validate the contract and distinguishes it from a gift or donation, where no consideration is involved.


Both parties must have the legal capacity to enter into a contract. This means they must be of sound mind and of an age that allows them to make legally binding agreements. Minors, individuals with mental incapacities, and those under the influence of drugs or alcohol may lack the capacity to enter into contracts.

Legality of Purpose:

A contract of sale must have a legal and lawful purpose. It cannot involve illegal activities or goods. For example, a contract to sell stolen property is not legally enforceable because the subject matter of the contract is illegal.

Certainty and Possibility of Performance:

Contracts must be sufficiently certain and possible to perform. This means that the terms and obligations outlined in the contract must be clear and specific enough for both parties to understand their rights and duties. Additionally, the performance of the contract must be physically and legally possible.

Writing (Optional):

While many contracts of sale can be verbal, certain types of contracts, especially those involving real estate, may be required to be in writing to be legally enforceable. These written contracts are typically referred to as deeds or agreements in writing.

Signatures (Optional):

In some jurisdictions, contracts, including contracts of sale, may require the signatures of the parties involved to be valid. This provides evidence that the parties agreed to the terms and conditions.

The importance of a sales contract

LEGALLY BINDING: A sales contract is a legal document and is legally binding. It clarifies the rights and obligations between the seller and buyer and ensures that both parties comply with the agreement. If one party fails to perform its contractual obligations, the other party can usually seek remedies through legal means, such as seeking damages or enforcing the contract.

Clear rights and obligations: The sales contract specifies the conditions of the transaction in detail, including the description of the goods or services, price, delivery date, payment method, refund policy, etc. This gives both parties a clear understanding of the essentials of the deal, reducing the chances of misunderstanding and disputes.

Allocation of Risk: The contract of sale usually specifies when title to the goods passes and when risk passes to the buyer. This helps to clarify which party is responsible for any loss or damage during delivery and delivery.

Legal Protection: A contract of sale provides legal protection for all parties. If a party fails to meet its obligations, the injured party may pursue compensation or other remedies through legal channels. This helps ensure fairness and execution of transactions.

Business Planning: A contract of sale helps both the seller and the buyer to plan and manage the business. It provides the basis for determining the schedule and conditions of supply, procurement, production and sales, helping to maintain continuity of production and delivery.

Reputation and Relationship Maintenance: Complying with sales contracts helps maintain business reputation and customer relationships. If one party fulfills the contract and provides high-quality products or services, it will enhance customers’ trust in it and promote future transactions and cooperation.

Dispute Resolution: Sales contracts often include a dispute resolution clause that sets out the procedure to be followed in the event of a dispute. This can include mediation, arbitration or litigation. The existence and clarity of the contract helps to simplify the dispute resolution process.

Compliance: Sales contracts ensure that transactions comply with applicable laws and regulations. It can include compliance requirements such as the impact of contracts on the environment, safety or consumer rights.

Taxation and Accounting: The sales contract helps determine the tax and accounting treatment of the transaction. It can affect tax filings, accounting and costing.

Informed Consent: Sales contracts often require all parties to read and clearly understand the terms of the contract before signing. This ensures the informed consent of all parties in the transaction and the responsibility to meet the corresponding obligations.

Prerequisites for signing a sales contract

There is a seller and a buyer: The first prerequisite is that there is a seller and a buyer, the two parties to the transaction. A seller is the party selling goods, services, or property, and a buyer is the party purchasing goods, services, or property.

Legal Age: Both parties must be of legal age and capable of entering into legal contracts. Usually, the legal age is 18, but it may vary in some regions. Minors generally cannot sign legal contracts without the consent of a legal guardian.

Legitimate Purpose: A contract must have a legitimate purpose, i.e. the object and content of the contract must be legally valid. For example, contracts cannot involve illegal activities or illegal goods.

With offer and acceptance: The formation of a contract begins when the seller makes an offer to the buyer, which contains conditions such as description of goods or services, price, payment method, etc. Acceptance is the buyer’s assent to the seller’s offer, usually without modification.

Clear terms and conditions: The contract must clearly stipulate the terms and conditions of the transaction, including description of the goods or services, price, quantity, delivery date, payment method, quality standards, refund policy, etc. These terms and conditions should be clear and unambiguous to avoid disputes and misunderstandings.

Consideration: The contract must include consideration, which is the value of the goods, services or property and the amount or consideration paid by the buyer. Consideration is an important element of the contract, which indicates the value of the exchange.

Capacity: The parties to the contract must have the legal capacity to sign the contract, i.e. they must be persons of sound mind. A person who is insane or under the influence of drugs or alcohol is generally considered unable to sign a contract.

Informed Consent: All parties must read and clearly understand the terms of the contract before signing it. This ensures the informed consent of all parties in the transaction and the responsibility to meet the corresponding obligations.

Legal requirements: Contracts must comply with applicable laws and regulations. This includes compliance with relevant laws such as contract law, consumer protection law, competition law, etc.

Signing and Dating: Contracts typically require each party to sign their names to the contract text and date it when signing. Signatures are one way to ensure that all parties agree to the terms of the contract.

Clarity and completeness of the contract: The contract must be clear and complete and must not be ambiguous or incomplete. This helps the parties understand and comply with the terms of the contract.

Voluntary signing of the contract: The contract must be signed voluntarily by all parties and cannot be obtained through deception, threats or coercion.

Proper witnessing or attestation: In some cases, a contract may require witnessing or attestation to prove the validity of the signature. This usually applies to some specific contract types, such as real estate transactions.


A contract of sale is a legally binding agreement that involves an offer, acceptance, consideration, legal capacity, legality of purpose, certainty, and the possibility of performance. While many contracts can be verbal, some must be in writing, and signatures may be required in certain cases. Understanding the elements and steps involved in creating a contract of sale is crucial for individuals and businesses to engage in transactions confidently and in compliance with the law. It is advisable to seek legal advice or consult with a professional when entering into complex or high-value contracts to ensure all legal requirements are met.


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