Home Hot Topic United Kingdom to Incorporate UN Sanctions on Iran into Domestic Legislation

United Kingdom to Incorporate UN Sanctions on Iran into Domestic Legislation

by Cecilia

Today, the United Kingdom has taken a significant step by committing to incorporate United Nations (UN) sanctions on Iran into its domestic law. These sanctions, which were set to be lifted on October 18th under the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPoA), cover a wide range of measures, including sanctions against individuals and entities involved in Iran’s missile, nuclear, and other weapons programs.


This move has been prompted by Iran’s continued non-compliance with its commitments under the JCPoA and its ongoing escalation of nuclear activities. The UK, in collaboration with its French and German partners, has deemed this action legitimate and proportionate in response to Iran’s actions.


A spokesperson for the UK’s Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) stated, “Iran continues to breach its commitments under the JCPoA and advance its nuclear program beyond all credible civilian justification.” The spokesperson emphasized the commitment to a diplomatic solution but called on Iran to take clear steps toward de-escalation, with a resolute determination to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons.


Importantly, these measures do not contravene the JCPoA itself and align with the defined procedures within the agreement. Iran has repeatedly violated its obligations under the JCPoA, with its enriched uranium stockpiles exceeding the JCPoA limit by more than 18 times and the deployment of thousands of advanced centrifuges.

In the past, the UK and its partners, France and Germany, have extended viable offers to Iran aimed at resolving the nuclear issue, both in March and August of the previous year. Regrettably, Iran declined these proposals.

Despite these actions, the UK and its allies remain steadfast in their commitment to preventing Iran from developing nuclear weapons, even contemplating the possibility of utilizing the snapback process if necessary.


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